Infant Vehicle Transport Vibration Results

Last updated: 2025-02-01 16:20:22.792743
Generated from Git hash: 7648679d48fd0534900866ac63d37a451cfb1857

This page examines the signal: SeatBotacc_ver.

Table of Contents

  1. Scenario Mean Table
  2. Comparison Plots
  3. Shock Test
  4. ISO 2631-1 Weights
  5. Statistical Regression Results
  6. Sessions Segmented into Trials
  7. Table of All Trials
  8. Seat Pan Vertical Acceleration Time Histories
  9. Seat Pan Vertical Acceleration Spectrums
  10. Sensor Rotation Checks
  11. Sensor Time Synchronization Checks

Mean Over Scenarios for Signal: SeatBotacc_ver

Counts and mean values for each scenario, i.e. combination of vehicle, seat, baby mass, road surface, and speed.

Trial Count RMS Acceleration [m/s/s] ISO Weighted RMS Acceleration [m/s/s] VDV Acceleration [m/s/s] Crest Factor ISO Weighted Peak Frequency [Hz] ISO Weighted Bandwidth (80%) [Hz] Duration [s]
Vehicle Seat, Baby Road Surface Target Speed [km/h]
bugaboo cot, 0 mo Cobblestones 5 4 4.39 4.31 6.61 6.16 6.54 14.33 20.38
bugaboo cot, 0 mo Paver Bricks 5 3 2.60 2.42 3.38 4.07 9.50 17.23 23.29
bugaboo cot, 0 mo Sidewalk Pavers 5 2 2.93 2.72 7.51 13.45 6.08 18.48 25.40
bugaboo cot, 0 mo Sidewalk Slabs 5 3 4.81 4.73 7.91 6.36 5.79 15.10 20.15
bugaboo cot, 0 mo Tarmac 5 2 0.69 0.63 0.91 3.33 10.13 18.53 23.05
bugaboo seat, 9 mo Cobblestones 5 4 2.50 2.26 3.37 4.71 6.61 20.67 22.54
bugaboo seat, 9 mo Paver Bricks 5 3 2.27 1.76 2.99 3.83 9.38 26.38 22.64
bugaboo seat, 9 mo Sidewalk Pavers 5 3 1.71 1.44 2.47 5.53 7.69 23.80 24.68
bugaboo seat, 9 mo Sidewalk Slabs 5 3 2.42 2.22 3.56 5.29 5.97 20.29 24.49
bugaboo seat, 9 mo Tarmac 5 2 0.57 0.43 0.83 6.46 8.41 29.33 34.64
greenmachine cot, 0 mo Cobblestones 5 3 3.19 2.92 4.59 5.26 4.10 17.25 23.74
greenmachine cot, 0 mo Paver Bricks 5 2 1.56 1.29 2.11 4.48 4.16 26.78 29.56
greenmachine cot, 0 mo Sidewalk Pavers 5 2 2.74 2.51 4.25 6.53 4.13 18.47 28.17
greenmachine cot, 0 mo Sidewalk Slabs 5 3 3.47 3.22 5.54 6.72 3.92 16.76 23.92
greenmachine cot, 0 mo Tarmac 5 2 0.48 0.36 0.65 4.09 4.25 33.41 22.11
keiler maxicosi, 0 mo Paver Bricks 12 2 6.96 6.89 11.18 7.17 7.57 16.69 23.78
keiler maxicosi, 0 mo Paver Bricks 20 1 12.60 10.68 27.11 9.92 6.76 26.93 33.97
keiler maxicosi, 0 mo Tarmac 12 3 1.82 1.82 3.26 8.27 8.07 13.28 24.55
keiler maxicosi, 0 mo Tarmac 20 2 2.76 2.76 3.87 5.13 7.79 13.21 29.22
keiler maxicosi, 3 mo Paver Bricks 12 2 6.32 5.69 12.30 11.03 8.00 21.91 28.90
keiler maxicosi, 3 mo Paver Bricks 20 2 9.78 7.80 23.50 14.39 7.21 30.69 21.40
keiler maxicosi, 3 mo Tarmac 12 2 1.52 1.55 2.65 8.12 7.62 12.82 27.80
keiler maxicosi, 3 mo Tarmac 20 2 2.07 2.08 2.82 3.92 6.41 12.68 23.80
keiler melia, 3 mo Paver Bricks 12 2 5.38 4.90 8.89 8.11 7.87 21.92 26.29
keiler melia, 3 mo Paver Bricks 20 2 9.54 6.72 19.74 10.25 6.82 34.81 23.00
keiler melia, 3 mo Tarmac 12 2 1.24 1.21 2.12 8.18 7.85 14.16 25.39
keiler melia, 3 mo Tarmac 20 2 1.56 1.53 2.13 3.79 8.30 13.82 22.62
maxicosi cot, 0 mo Cobblestones 5 4 4.61 4.36 6.42 4.89 8.10 18.26 20.74
maxicosi cot, 0 mo Paver Bricks 5 2 3.23 2.84 4.22 3.92 10.42 21.09 27.16
maxicosi cot, 0 mo Sidewalk Pavers 5 3 3.04 2.85 4.53 5.45 7.61 18.07 21.42
maxicosi cot, 0 mo Sidewalk Slabs 5 3 4.95 4.62 8.39 8.23 5.13 20.74 16.26
maxicosi cot, 0 mo Tarmac 5 2 0.89 0.75 1.42 8.02 9.57 24.44 34.32
maxicosi seat, 9 mo Cobblestones 5 3 4.12 3.66 5.78 5.75 8.04 20.27 25.94
maxicosi seat, 9 mo Paver Bricks 5 2 3.00 2.36 3.87 3.42 9.69 23.99 27.80
maxicosi seat, 9 mo Sidewalk Pavers 5 2 2.64 2.31 4.09 5.54 7.32 21.18 27.79
maxicosi seat, 9 mo Sidewalk Slabs 5 3 3.10 2.86 4.68 5.36 6.85 20.05 25.61
maxicosi seat, 9 mo Tarmac 5 2 0.99 0.72 1.37 5.77 10.21 30.00 36.12
oldrusty seat, 9 mo Cobblestones 5 2 4.74 2.03 7.47 6.03 5.11 39.00 29.94
oldrusty seat, 9 mo Paver Bricks 5 3 3.37 1.21 4.88 6.08 5.19 44.17 21.91
oldrusty seat, 9 mo Sidewalk Pavers 5 2 3.27 1.41 5.49 9.73 5.36 40.05 27.30
oldrusty seat, 9 mo Sidewalk Slabs 5 3 3.18 1.55 6.06 11.59 5.31 38.97 23.81
oldrusty seat, 9 mo Tarmac 5 2 1.12 0.54 1.58 5.67 7.04 42.13 22.63
urbanarrow maxicosi, 0 mo Paver Bricks 12 3 6.52 5.69 14.54 9.55 7.59 21.40 20.77
urbanarrow maxicosi, 0 mo Paver Bricks 20 1 9.22 8.51 15.93 9.94 8.01 19.78 39.05
urbanarrow maxicosi, 0 mo Paver Bricks 25 1 11.58 8.19 30.40 13.73 6.93 38.01 38.27
urbanarrow maxicosi, 0 mo Tarmac 12 2 1.28 1.15 2.40 8.34 9.28 18.53 29.05
urbanarrow maxicosi, 0 mo Tarmac 25 2 2.09 1.86 2.90 5.18 9.73 18.08 21.53
urbanarrow maxicosi, 3 mo Paver Bricks 12 2 4.54 3.89 11.04 13.47 5.83 21.64 29.12
urbanarrow maxicosi, 3 mo Paver Bricks 20 1 10.76 7.37 30.21 14.67 5.03 32.37 32.09
urbanarrow maxicosi, 3 mo Paver Bricks 25 1 10.59 7.66 29.36 14.71 6.27 31.20 30.33
urbanarrow maxicosi, 3 mo Tarmac 12 2 1.07 0.98 2.04 9.57 8.80 18.31 25.35
urbanarrow maxicosi, 3 mo Tarmac 25 2 1.63 1.46 2.28 4.87 9.53 18.30 21.62
urbanarrow melia, 3 mo Paver Bricks 12 2 4.46 4.12 7.31 8.27 7.54 18.90 24.13
urbanarrow melia, 3 mo Paver Bricks 20 1 6.89 6.22 11.54 8.62 7.93 21.19 36.82
urbanarrow melia, 3 mo Paver Bricks 25 1 7.55 6.79 11.88 7.24 9.23 21.07 31.69
urbanarrow melia, 3 mo Tarmac 12 3 0.94 0.86 1.97 9.26 9.38 16.66 20.39
urbanarrow melia, 3 mo Tarmac 25 2 1.40 1.25 2.02 5.75 9.42 16.55 22.96
yoyo cot, 0 mo Cobblestones 5 3 4.13 3.97 5.66 4.84 6.45 16.93 21.29
yoyo cot, 0 mo Paver Bricks 5 2 2.97 2.11 4.00 4.07 9.45 41.75 29.55
yoyo cot, 0 mo Sidewalk Pavers 5 3 2.75 2.59 4.15 5.52 6.72 18.83 22.18
yoyo cot, 0 mo Sidewalk Slabs 5 2 4.03 3.79 6.67 6.42 5.15 19.59 25.72
yoyo cot, 0 mo Tarmac 5 2 0.87 0.57 1.38 7.39 7.70 42.86 19.55
yoyo seat, 9 mo Cobblestones 5 3 5.25 4.95 7.11 4.37 7.68 17.63 21.55
yoyo seat, 9 mo Paver Bricks 5 3 3.58 2.99 4.73 3.81 10.44 25.01 22.54
yoyo seat, 9 mo Sidewalk Pavers 5 2 3.15 2.72 5.77 9.86 8.25 23.36 28.48
yoyo seat, 9 mo Sidewalk Slabs 5 3 3.96 3.69 6.01 6.21 5.27 19.02 23.32
yoyo seat, 9 mo Tarmac 5 2 0.74 0.41 1.02 6.25 11.07 41.66 39.12

67 rows × 8 columns

Comparison Plots of the Signal: SeatBotacc_ver

Descriptive statistical plots of the data.

All Trials ISO Weighted RMS Compared (Health)

Scatter plot of the ISO 2631-1 Weighted RMS SeatBotacc_ver of all trials broken down by vehicle setup (brand, seat configuration, baby age), trial duration, road surface, and plotted versus speed. Black horizontal line indicate "above the health caution zone" from the ISO 2631-1 standard for different durations of daily dosage.

Stroller ISO Weighted RMS SeatBotacc_ver Comparison (Health)

Cargo Bicycle ISO Weighted RMS SeatBotacc_ver Comparison (Health)

All Trials ISO Weighted RMS Compared (Comfort)

Scatter plot of the ISO 2631-1 Weighted RMS SeatBotacc magnitude of all trials broken down by vehicle setup (brand, seat configuration, baby age), trial duration, road surface, and plotted versus speed. Horizontal lines indicate the ISO 2631-1 comfort labels.

Stroller ISO Weighted RMS SeatBotacc_ver Comparison

Cargo Bicycle ISO Weighted RMS SeatBotacc_ver Comparison

Crest Factor

Scatter plot of the crest factors of the unweighted SeatBotacc_ver of all trials broken down by vehicle setup (brand, seat configuration, baby age), trial duration, road surface, and plotted versus speed.

All Trials Unweighted SeatBotacc_ver VDV Compared

Stroller Unweighted SeatBotacc_ver VDV Comparison

Cargo Bicycle Unweighted SeatBotacc_ver VDV Comparison

Peak Frequency

80% Bandwidth

Cargo Bicycle Speed Comparison

How does vibration vary across speed for the cargo bicycles? This plot shows a linear regression of ISO weighted SeatBotacc_ver versus speed for both asphalt and paver bricks. The shaded regions represent the 95% confidence intervals.

Vehicle Comparison

Do vehicles differ in each surface-speed scenario?

Stroller Comparison

Compare baby age for each stroller on each tested surface.

Cargo Bicycle Seat Comparison

Compare the baby seats used in the cargo bicycles for each bicycle and road surface type.

Baby Mass Comparison

Compare accelerations across baby mass (age) and speed.

Road Surface Comparison

Stroller Type Comparison

Bicycle Comparison

Shock test Comparison

Compare maximum acceleration across vehicles and speed.

ISO 2631-1 Weights

Plots of the ISO 2631-1 filter weights versus frequency we apply to the data.

Statistical Regression Results

Ordinary linear least squares regression models fit to the data.


OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: SeatBotacc_ver_rms_iso R-squared: 0.867
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.851
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 54.69
Date: za, 01 feb 2025 Prob (F-statistic): 1.78e-35
Time: 16:20:22 Log-Likelihood: -71.593
No. Observations: 104 AIC: 167.2
Df Residuals: 92 BIC: 198.9
Df Model: 11
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 0.2212 0.188 1.177 0.242 -0.152 0.595
C(Q('Road Surface'), Treatment('Tarmac'))[T.Cobblestones] 3.0117 0.163 18.473 0.000 2.688 3.336
C(Q('Road Surface'), Treatment('Tarmac'))[T.Paver Bricks] 1.6000 0.172 9.299 0.000 1.258 1.942
C(Q('Road Surface'), Treatment('Tarmac'))[T.Sidewalk Pavers] 1.7566 0.174 10.092 0.000 1.411 2.102
C(Q('Road Surface'), Treatment('Tarmac'))[T.Sidewalk Slabs] 2.7754 0.167 16.637 0.000 2.444 3.107
C(Q('Vehicle, Seat, Baby Age'), Treatment('greenmachine, cot, 0 mo'))[T.bugaboo, cot, 0 mo] 0.9706 0.202 4.813 0.000 0.570 1.371
C(Q('Vehicle, Seat, Baby Age'), Treatment('greenmachine, cot, 0 mo'))[T.bugaboo, seat, 9 mo] -0.5065 0.199 -2.551 0.012 -0.901 -0.112
C(Q('Vehicle, Seat, Baby Age'), Treatment('greenmachine, cot, 0 mo'))[T.maxicosi, cot, 0 mo] 1.0795 0.202 5.353 0.000 0.679 1.480
C(Q('Vehicle, Seat, Baby Age'), Treatment('greenmachine, cot, 0 mo'))[T.maxicosi, seat, 9 mo] 0.3012 0.209 1.441 0.153 -0.114 0.716
C(Q('Vehicle, Seat, Baby Age'), Treatment('greenmachine, cot, 0 mo'))[T.oldrusty, seat, 9 mo] -0.7551 0.209 -3.605 0.001 -1.171 -0.339
C(Q('Vehicle, Seat, Baby Age'), Treatment('greenmachine, cot, 0 mo'))[T.yoyo, cot, 0 mo] 0.5766 0.209 2.753 0.007 0.161 0.993
C(Q('Vehicle, Seat, Baby Age'), Treatment('greenmachine, cot, 0 mo'))[T.yoyo, seat, 9 mo] 0.9706 0.205 4.731 0.000 0.563 1.378
Omnibus: 3.026 Durbin-Watson: 1.141
Prob(Omnibus): 0.220 Jarque-Bera (JB): 2.981
Skew: 0.405 Prob(JB): 0.225
Kurtosis: 2.820 Cond. No. 10.0

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.

Stroller Comparisons

Sidewalk Slabs

Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD, FWER=0.05
group1 group2 meandiff p-adj lower upper reject
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo bugaboo, seat, 9 mo -2.504 0.0 -2.9364 -2.0715 True
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo greenmachine, cot, 0 mo -1.5122 0.0 -1.9447 -1.0797 True
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, cot, 0 mo -0.1069 0.9853 -0.5394 0.3255 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo -1.8698 0.0 -2.3023 -1.4374 True
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -3.1767 0.0 -3.6092 -2.7442 True
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo -0.9409 0.0001 -1.4244 -0.4573 True
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo -1.0361 0.0 -1.4686 -0.6037 True
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo greenmachine, cot, 0 mo 0.9918 0.0 0.5593 1.4243 True
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo maxicosi, cot, 0 mo 2.397 0.0 1.9645 2.8295 True
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo 0.6341 0.0024 0.2016 1.0666 True
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -0.6728 0.0014 -1.1053 -0.2403 True
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 1.5631 0.0 1.0796 2.0466 True
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 1.4678 0.0 1.0353 1.9003 True
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, cot, 0 mo 1.4052 0.0 0.9728 1.8377 True
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo -0.3577 0.1442 -0.7902 0.0748 False
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -1.6646 0.0 -2.097 -1.2321 True
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 0.5713 0.0154 0.0878 1.0548 True
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 0.476 0.0261 0.0435 0.9085 True
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo -1.7629 0.0 -2.1954 -1.3304 True
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -3.0698 0.0 -3.5023 -2.6373 True
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo -0.8339 0.0005 -1.3175 -0.3504 True
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo -0.9292 0.0 -1.3617 -0.4967 True
maxicosi, seat, 9 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -1.3069 0.0 -1.7394 -0.8744 True
maxicosi, seat, 9 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 0.929 0.0001 0.4455 1.4125 True
maxicosi, seat, 9 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 0.8337 0.0001 0.4012 1.2662 True
oldrusty, seat, 9 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 2.2359 0.0 1.7523 2.7194 True
oldrusty, seat, 9 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 2.1406 0.0 1.7081 2.5731 True
yoyo, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo -0.0953 0.9961 -0.5788 0.3882 False

Paver Bricks

Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD, FWER=0.05
group1 group2 meandiff p-adj lower upper reject
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo bugaboo, seat, 9 mo -0.6626 0.0235 -1.2506 -0.0747 True
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo greenmachine, cot, 0 mo -1.1374 0.0008 -1.7947 -0.48 True
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, cot, 0 mo 0.4182 0.3639 -0.2392 1.0755 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo -0.06 1.0 -0.7173 0.5974 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -1.209 0.0001 -1.797 -0.6211 True
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo -0.3116 0.6793 -0.9689 0.3458 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 0.5704 0.0596 -0.0176 1.1584 False
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo greenmachine, cot, 0 mo -0.4748 0.2391 -1.1321 0.1826 False
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo maxicosi, cot, 0 mo 1.0808 0.0012 0.4234 1.7382 True
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo 0.6027 0.0815 -0.0547 1.26 False
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -0.5464 0.0758 -1.1344 0.0416 False
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 0.3511 0.5559 -0.3063 1.0084 False
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 1.233 0.0001 0.6451 1.821 True
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, cot, 0 mo 1.5556 0.0001 0.8354 2.2757 True
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo 1.0774 0.0027 0.3573 1.7975 True
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -0.0716 0.9999 -0.729 0.5857 False
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 0.8258 0.0209 0.1057 1.5459 True
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 1.7078 0.0 1.0504 2.3652 True
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo -0.4781 0.3194 -1.1982 0.242 False
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -1.6272 0.0 -2.2846 -0.9698 True
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo -0.7297 0.0462 -1.4498 -0.0096 True
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 0.1522 0.9867 -0.5051 0.8096 False
maxicosi, seat, 9 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -1.1491 0.0007 -1.8064 -0.4917 True
maxicosi, seat, 9 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo -0.2516 0.8956 -0.9717 0.4685 False
maxicosi, seat, 9 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 0.6304 0.0637 -0.027 1.2877 False
oldrusty, seat, 9 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 0.8975 0.0058 0.2401 1.5548 True
oldrusty, seat, 9 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 1.7794 0.0 1.1915 2.3674 True
yoyo, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 0.882 0.0066 0.2246 1.5393 True


Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD, FWER=0.05
group1 group2 meandiff p-adj lower upper reject
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo bugaboo, seat, 9 mo -2.0518 0.0 -2.4136 -1.6899 True
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo greenmachine, cot, 0 mo -1.3861 0.0 -1.7769 -0.9952 True
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, cot, 0 mo 0.0524 0.9996 -0.3095 0.4142 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo -0.6451 0.0005 -1.036 -0.2542 True
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -2.2813 0.0 -2.7245 -1.8381 True
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo -0.3332 0.129 -0.724 0.0577 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 0.6408 0.0006 0.25 1.0317 True
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo greenmachine, cot, 0 mo 0.6657 0.0004 0.2748 1.0566 True
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo maxicosi, cot, 0 mo 2.1041 0.0 1.7423 2.466 True
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo 1.4067 0.0 1.0158 1.7975 True
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -0.2296 0.6476 -0.6728 0.2136 False
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 1.7186 0.0 1.3277 2.1094 True
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 2.6926 0.0 2.3017 3.0834 True
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, cot, 0 mo 1.4384 0.0 1.0476 1.8293 True
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo 0.741 0.0002 0.3231 1.1588 True
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -0.8953 0.0001 -1.3625 -0.4281 True
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 1.0529 0.0 0.635 1.4707 True
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 2.0269 0.0 1.609 2.4447 True
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo -0.6975 0.0002 -1.0883 -0.3066 True
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -2.3337 0.0 -2.7769 -1.8905 True
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo -0.3856 0.0547 -0.7764 0.0053 False
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 0.5884 0.0014 0.1976 0.9793 True
maxicosi, seat, 9 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -1.6362 0.0 -2.1034 -1.1691 True
maxicosi, seat, 9 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 0.3119 0.2379 -0.106 0.7298 False
maxicosi, seat, 9 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 1.2859 0.0 0.8681 1.7038 True
oldrusty, seat, 9 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 1.9482 0.0 1.481 2.4153 True
oldrusty, seat, 9 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 2.9222 0.0 2.455 3.3893 True
yoyo, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 0.974 0.0 0.5561 1.3919 True

Sidewalk Pavers

Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD, FWER=0.05
group1 group2 meandiff p-adj lower upper reject
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo bugaboo, seat, 9 mo -1.2736 0.492 -3.5541 1.0069 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo greenmachine, cot, 0 mo -0.2018 1.0 -2.7 2.2964 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, cot, 0 mo 0.1392 1.0 -2.1413 2.4197 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo -0.4064 0.9981 -2.9045 2.0918 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -1.3035 0.5656 -3.8017 1.1947 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo -0.1234 1.0 -2.4039 2.1572 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 0.0065 1.0 -2.4917 2.5047 False
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo greenmachine, cot, 0 mo 1.0718 0.6722 -1.2087 3.3523 False
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo maxicosi, cot, 0 mo 1.4128 0.2687 -0.627 3.4526 False
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo 0.8672 0.8407 -1.4133 3.1478 False
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -0.0299 1.0 -2.3104 2.2506 False
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 1.1502 0.4814 -0.8895 3.19 False
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 1.2801 0.4864 -1.0004 3.5606 False
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, cot, 0 mo 0.341 0.9989 -1.9395 2.6215 False
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo -0.2046 1.0 -2.7028 2.2936 False
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -1.1017 0.7305 -3.5999 1.3965 False
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 0.0784 1.0 -2.2021 2.3589 False
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 0.2083 1.0 -2.2899 2.7065 False
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo -0.5456 0.9822 -2.8261 1.735 False
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -1.4427 0.3579 -3.7232 0.8378 False
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo -0.2626 0.9996 -2.3023 1.7772 False
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo -0.1327 1.0 -2.4132 2.1478 False
maxicosi, seat, 9 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -0.8971 0.8732 -3.3953 1.601 False
maxicosi, seat, 9 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 0.283 0.9997 -1.9975 2.5635 False
maxicosi, seat, 9 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 0.4129 0.998 -2.0853 2.9111 False
oldrusty, seat, 9 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 1.1801 0.5744 -1.1004 3.4607 False
oldrusty, seat, 9 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 1.31 0.5602 -1.1882 3.8082 False
yoyo, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 0.1299 1.0 -2.1506 2.4104 False


Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD, FWER=0.05
group1 group2 meandiff p-adj lower upper reject
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo bugaboo, seat, 9 mo -0.1973 0.0982 -0.425 0.0304 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo greenmachine, cot, 0 mo -0.2693 0.0204 -0.497 -0.0416 True
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, cot, 0 mo 0.1233 0.4617 -0.1044 0.3511 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo 0.0903 0.756 -0.1374 0.3181 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -0.0869 0.7856 -0.3146 0.1408 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo -0.0613 0.9479 -0.2891 0.1664 False
bugaboo, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo -0.2167 0.0638 -0.4444 0.011 False
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo greenmachine, cot, 0 mo -0.072 0.8944 -0.2997 0.1558 False
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo maxicosi, cot, 0 mo 0.3207 0.0072 0.0929 0.5484 True
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo 0.2877 0.0139 0.06 0.5154 True
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo 0.1105 0.5738 -0.1173 0.3382 False
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 0.136 0.3645 -0.0917 0.3637 False
bugaboo, seat, 9 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo -0.0194 0.9999 -0.2471 0.2083 False
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, cot, 0 mo 0.3926 0.0019 0.1649 0.6203 True
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo 0.3596 0.0035 0.1319 0.5873 True
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo 0.1824 0.1367 -0.0453 0.4101 False
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 0.2079 0.0775 -0.0198 0.4357 False
greenmachine, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo 0.0526 0.9758 -0.1752 0.2803 False
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo maxicosi, seat, 9 mo -0.033 0.9983 -0.2607 0.1947 False
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -0.2102 0.0737 -0.4379 0.0175 False
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo -0.1847 0.13 -0.4124 0.043 False
maxicosi, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo -0.3401 0.005 -0.5678 -0.1123 True
maxicosi, seat, 9 mo oldrusty, seat, 9 mo -0.1772 0.1533 -0.4049 0.0505 False
maxicosi, seat, 9 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo -0.1517 0.2654 -0.3794 0.076 False
maxicosi, seat, 9 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo -0.3071 0.0094 -0.5348 -0.0793 True
oldrusty, seat, 9 mo yoyo, cot, 0 mo 0.0255 0.9997 -0.2022 0.2532 False
oldrusty, seat, 9 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo -0.1298 0.4098 -0.3576 0.0979 False
yoyo, cot, 0 mo yoyo, seat, 9 mo -0.1554 0.2457 -0.3831 0.0723 False

Cargo Bicycles

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: SeatBotacc_ver_rms_iso R-squared: 0.925
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.910
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 63.17
Date: za, 01 feb 2025 Prob (F-statistic): 1.33e-20
Time: 16:20:22 Log-Likelihood: -56.568
No. Observations: 50 AIC: 131.1
Df Residuals: 41 BIC: 148.3
Df Model: 8
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 0.8067 0.643 1.255 0.216 -0.491 2.104
C(Q('Road Surface'), Treatment('Tarmac'))[T.Paver Bricks] 1.2956 0.889 1.457 0.153 -0.500 3.091
C(Q('Vehicle, Seat, Baby Age'), Treatment('keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo'))[T.keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo] 0.8664 0.415 2.085 0.043 0.027 1.705
C(Q('Vehicle, Seat, Baby Age'), Treatment('keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo'))[T.keiler, melia, 3 mo] -0.5060 0.415 -1.219 0.230 -1.344 0.332
C(Q('Vehicle, Seat, Baby Age'), Treatment('keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo'))[T.urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo] -0.0512 0.404 -0.127 0.900 -0.867 0.764
C(Q('Vehicle, Seat, Baby Age'), Treatment('keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo'))[T.urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo] -0.8895 0.415 -2.141 0.038 -1.728 -0.051
C(Q('Vehicle, Seat, Baby Age'), Treatment('keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo'))[T.urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo] -1.1357 0.403 -2.819 0.007 -1.949 -0.322
Q('Mean Speed [m/s]') 0.2034 0.116 1.747 0.088 -0.032 0.439
Q('Mean Speed [m/s]'):C(Q('Road Surface'), Treatment('Tarmac'))[T.Paver Bricks] 0.7803 0.180 4.338 0.000 0.417 1.144
Omnibus: 1.195 Durbin-Watson: 2.235
Prob(Omnibus): 0.550 Jarque-Bera (JB): 0.603
Skew: -0.244 Prob(JB): 0.740
Kurtosis: 3.228 Cond. No. 49.3

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.

Cargo Bicycle Comparisons

Tarmac Low

Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD, FWER=0.05
group1 group2 meandiff p-adj lower upper reject
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo -0.2759 0.8403 -1.1395 0.5876 False
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo keiler, melia, 3 mo -0.6067 0.2103 -1.4702 0.2569 False
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo -0.6677 0.1504 -1.5312 0.1958 False
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo -0.8413 0.0567 -1.7048 0.0223 False
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -0.9603 0.0159 -1.7326 -0.1879 True
keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo keiler, melia, 3 mo -0.3307 0.7894 -1.2767 0.6152 False
keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo -0.3917 0.667 -1.3377 0.5542 False
keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo -0.5653 0.3375 -1.5113 0.3806 False
keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -0.6843 0.1371 -1.5479 0.1792 False
keiler, melia, 3 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo -0.061 0.9999 -1.007 0.8849 False
keiler, melia, 3 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo -0.2346 0.9344 -1.1805 0.7114 False
keiler, melia, 3 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -0.3536 0.6761 -1.2171 0.5099 False
urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo -0.1736 0.9806 -1.1195 0.7724 False
urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -0.2926 0.8083 -1.1561 0.5709 False
urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -0.119 0.9946 -0.9825 0.7445 False

Tarmac High

Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD, FWER=0.05
group1 group2 meandiff p-adj lower upper reject
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo -0.6764 0.143 -1.5671 0.2144 False
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo keiler, melia, 3 mo -1.2254 0.0116 -2.1161 -0.3346 True
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo -0.8974 0.0485 -1.7881 -0.0066 True
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo -1.298 0.0087 -2.1888 -0.4073 True
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -1.5066 0.004 -2.3973 -0.6158 True
keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo keiler, melia, 3 mo -0.549 0.2697 -1.4397 0.3418 False
keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo -0.221 0.9066 -1.1117 0.6698 False
keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo -0.6217 0.1881 -1.5124 0.2691 False
keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -0.8302 0.0668 -1.7209 0.0606 False
keiler, melia, 3 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo 0.328 0.6949 -0.5628 1.2188 False
keiler, melia, 3 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo -0.0727 0.9992 -0.9634 0.8181 False
keiler, melia, 3 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -0.2812 0.7978 -1.172 0.6095 False
urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo -0.4007 0.5309 -1.2914 0.4901 False
urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -0.6092 0.2002 -1.5 0.2816 False
urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -0.2085 0.9241 -1.0993 0.6822 False

Paver Bricks Low

Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD, FWER=0.05
group1 group2 meandiff p-adj lower upper reject
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo -1.1964 0.9288 -6.1168 3.7239 False
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo keiler, melia, 3 mo -1.9845 0.6604 -6.9049 2.9358 False
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo -1.1987 0.9003 -5.6904 3.293 False
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo -2.9994 0.3011 -7.9198 1.921 False
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -2.7654 0.3689 -7.6858 2.155 False
keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo keiler, melia, 3 mo -0.7881 0.987 -5.7085 4.1323 False
keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo -0.0022 1.0 -4.4939 4.4894 False
keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo -1.803 0.7334 -6.7234 3.1174 False
keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -1.569 0.821 -6.4894 3.3514 False
keiler, melia, 3 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo 0.7859 0.9809 -3.7058 5.2775 False
keiler, melia, 3 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo -1.0149 0.9623 -5.9353 3.9055 False
keiler, melia, 3 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -0.7809 0.9875 -5.7013 4.1395 False
urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo -1.8007 0.6653 -6.2924 2.691 False
urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -1.5667 0.7671 -6.0584 2.925 False
urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo 0.234 1.0 -4.6864 5.1544 False

Paver Bricks High

Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD, FWER=0.05
group1 group2 meandiff p-adj lower upper reject
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo -2.8807 0.0666 -5.992 0.2306 False
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo keiler, melia, 3 mo -3.9547 0.0191 -7.066 -0.8434 True
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo -2.3282 0.1379 -5.4395 0.7831 False
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo -3.1628 0.047 -6.2741 -0.0515 True
keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -4.1736 0.0152 -7.2849 -1.0623 True
keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo keiler, melia, 3 mo -1.074 0.5333 -3.6144 1.4663 False
keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo 0.5524 0.9231 -1.9879 3.0928 False
keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo -0.2822 0.9952 -2.8225 2.2582 False
keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -1.2929 0.3806 -3.8333 1.2474 False
keiler, melia, 3 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo 1.6265 0.2186 -0.9139 4.1668 False
keiler, melia, 3 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo 0.7919 0.7627 -1.7485 3.3323 False
keiler, melia, 3 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -0.2189 0.9985 -2.7593 2.3215 False
urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo -0.8346 0.7282 -3.3749 1.7058 False
urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -1.8454 0.1513 -4.3857 0.695 False
urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo -1.0108 0.5834 -3.5512 1.5296 False

Sessions Segmented into Trials

This section shows how the sessions are segmented into trials.


|        Session: session001         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'aula': 3}
Total duration: 209.39
Main data frame memory usage: 313.34 megabytes


|        Session: session002         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'aula': 2}
Total duration: 178.09
Main data frame memory usage: 240.80 megabytes


|        Session: session003         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 2, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 715.66
Main data frame memory usage: 1276.57 megabytes


|        Session: session004         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 2, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 1346.00
Main data frame memory usage: 2000.23 megabytes


|        Session: session005         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3}
Total duration: 278.15
Main data frame memory usage: 444.01 megabytes


|        Session: session006         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 2753.56
Main data frame memory usage: 4956.48 megabytes


|        Session: session007         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 2, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 1395.79
Main data frame memory usage: 2326.01 megabytes


|        Session: session008         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 848.48
Main data frame memory usage: 1481.35 megabytes


|        Session: session009         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 3}
Total duration: 213.98
Main data frame memory usage: 370.08 megabytes


|        Session: session010         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 312.35
Main data frame memory usage: 496.92 megabytes


|        Session: session011         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 2}
Total duration: 684.94
Main data frame memory usage: 1187.22 megabytes


|        Session: session012         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 242.10
Main data frame memory usage: 424.11 megabytes


|        Session: session013         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 5}
Total duration: 329.98
Main data frame memory usage: 577.42 megabytes


missing bounds, skipped: session014


|        Session: session015         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 7}
Total duration: 994.54
Main data frame memory usage: 1792.61 megabytes


|        Session: session016         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1}
Total duration: 1112.08
Main data frame memory usage: 861.74 megabytes


missing bounds, skipped: session017


|        Session: session018         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: melia with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6, 'klinkers': 2}
Total duration: 1673.39
Main data frame memory usage: 3018.99 megabytes


|        Session: session019         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 5, 'klinkers': 2}
Total duration: 1464.29
Main data frame memory usage: 2574.99 megabytes


|        Session: session020         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: maxicosi with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6, 'klinkers': 3}
Total duration: 1637.73
Main data frame memory usage: 2950.08 megabytes


|        Session: session021         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'klinkers': 1}
Total duration: 229.49
Main data frame memory usage: 420.33 megabytes


|        Session: session022         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: melia with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6}
Total duration: 948.66
Main data frame memory usage: 1669.80 megabytes


|        Session: session023         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: melia with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'klinkers': 3}
Total duration: 760.67
Main data frame memory usage: 1317.30 megabytes


|        Session: session024         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6, 'klinkers': 2}
Total duration: 1465.67
Main data frame memory usage: 2641.99 megabytes


|        Session: session025         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 989.59
Main data frame memory usage: 1563.65 megabytes


|        Session: session026         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 366.53
Main data frame memory usage: 561.15 megabytes


|        Session: session027         |
Vehicle: stroller greenmachine: None None
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 505.75
Main data frame memory usage: 422.39 megabytes


|        Session: session028         |
Vehicle: stroller oldrusty: None None
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 4, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 1}
Total duration: 1324.94
Main data frame memory usage: 2386.69 megabytes


|        Session: session029         |
Vehicle: stroller greenmachine: None None
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 1}
Total duration: 795.33
Main data frame memory usage: 1348.64 megabytes


|        Session: session030         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1}
Total duration: 271.89
Main data frame memory usage: 440.03 megabytes


This lists all of the repetitions in long form (tidy data).

SeatBotacc_ver_rms SeatBotacc_ver_rms_iso SeatBotacc_rms_mag_iso SeatBotacc_ver_vdv Crest Factor Duration [s] Mean Speed [m/s] STD DEV of Speed [m/s] Max Spectrum Amp [m/s/s] Peak Frequency [Hz] Bandwidth [Hz] Peak Value [m/s/s] Baby Age [mo] Baby Mass [kg] Seat Session Road Surface Trial Repetition Vehicle Vehicle Type repetition_number duration_weight Target Speed [km/h] Vehicle, Seat, Baby Age Seat, Baby Mean Speed [km/h]
0 4.769 4.493 4.603 8.440 10.400 20.970 1.517 0.125 0.371 5.225 19.727 76.461 0 3.480 cot 001 Sidewalk Slabs 0 maxicosi stroller 0 0.526 5 maxicosi, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.460
1 4.775 4.505 4.597 7.494 5.344 15.993 1.515 0.090 0.500 5.176 20.752 31.028 0 3.480 cot 001 Sidewalk Slabs 1 maxicosi stroller 0 0.401 5 maxicosi, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.452
2 5.319 4.867 4.971 9.251 8.935 11.805 1.472 0.108 0.519 4.980 21.729 62.481 0 3.480 cot 001 Sidewalk Slabs 2 maxicosi stroller 0 0.296 5 maxicosi, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.300
3 4.117 3.841 3.942 6.701 6.049 25.307 1.423 0.173 0.374 5.151 20.190 29.896 0 3.480 cot 002 Sidewalk Slabs 0 yoyo stroller 0 0.635 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.121
4 3.951 3.734 3.845 6.636 6.790 26.133 1.399 0.137 0.362 5.151 18.994 34.567 0 3.480 cot 002 Sidewalk Slabs 1 yoyo stroller 0 0.655 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.035
5 3.116 2.261 2.330 4.182 3.947 20.000 1.341 0.121 0.270 9.229 42.236 14.279 0 3.480 cot 003 Paver Bricks 0 yoyo stroller 0 0.501 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.829
6 2.829 1.963 2.057 3.816 4.188 39.091 1.386 0.063 0.201 9.668 41.260 12.044 0 3.480 cot 003 Paver Bricks 0 yoyo stroller 1 0.980 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.991
7 4.046 3.901 4.014 5.476 4.657 20.000 1.083 0.233 0.587 6.445 16.992 20.998 0 3.480 cot 003 Cobblestones 0 yoyo stroller 0 0.501 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 3.899
8 4.174 4.017 4.195 5.876 6.005 20.000 1.215 0.152 0.521 6.348 16.260 25.102 0 3.480 cot 003 Cobblestones 0 yoyo stroller 1 0.501 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.375
9 4.175 4.006 4.104 5.626 3.865 23.873 1.322 0.229 0.320 6.543 17.529 16.106 0 3.480 cot 003 Cobblestones 0 yoyo stroller 2 0.599 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.761
10 3.275 3.060 3.216 5.023 5.708 20.000 1.417 0.138 0.441 5.713 18.994 18.661 0 3.480 cot 003 Sidewalk Pavers 0 yoyo stroller 0 0.501 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.100
11 2.393 2.278 2.404 3.562 5.361 33.498 1.491 0.115 0.235 7.178 19.238 12.807 0 3.480 cot 003 Sidewalk Pavers 0 yoyo stroller 1 0.840 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.369
12 2.589 2.437 2.560 3.867 5.501 13.056 1.391 0.092 0.298 7.275 18.262 14.400 0 3.480 cot 003 Sidewalk Pavers 1 yoyo stroller 0 0.327 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.008
13 0.941 0.655 0.704 1.692 11.052 27.066 1.506 0.039 0.069 7.739 39.966 9.815 0 3.480 cot 003 Tarmac 0 yoyo stroller 0 0.679 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.420
14 0.790 0.478 0.538 1.062 3.727 12.030 1.458 0.042 0.044 7.666 45.752 3.372 0 3.480 cot 003 Tarmac 1 yoyo stroller 0 0.302 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.248
15 3.298 2.923 2.989 4.272 3.870 20.000 1.559 0.047 0.410 10.498 21.240 12.929 0 3.480 cot 004 Paver Bricks 0 maxicosi stroller 0 0.501 5 maxicosi, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.614
16 3.159 2.760 2.831 4.170 3.976 34.323 1.518 0.051 0.298 10.352 20.947 13.558 0 3.480 cot 004 Paver Bricks 0 maxicosi stroller 1 0.861 5 maxicosi, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.464
17 4.837 4.543 4.694 6.835 4.592 20.000 1.336 0.152 0.545 8.496 18.262 50.652 0 3.480 cot 004 Cobblestones 0 maxicosi stroller 0 0.501 5 maxicosi, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.809
18 4.415 4.191 4.379 6.209 4.343 20.000 1.228 0.212 0.507 7.080 18.213 27.307 0 3.480 cot 004 Cobblestones 0 maxicosi stroller 1 0.501 5 maxicosi, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.421
19 4.508 4.285 4.440 6.019 4.376 20.000 1.367 0.157 0.509 7.471 18.066 19.512 0 3.480 cot 004 Cobblestones 0 maxicosi stroller 2 0.501 5 maxicosi, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.920
20 4.678 4.420 4.587 6.604 6.234 22.968 1.351 0.140 0.296 9.351 18.481 35.765 0 3.480 cot 004 Cobblestones 0 maxicosi stroller 3 0.576 5 maxicosi, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.865
21 3.605 3.448 3.668 5.400 5.771 20.000 1.498 0.102 0.481 7.568 17.236 20.539 0 3.480 cot 004 Sidewalk Pavers 0 maxicosi stroller 0 0.501 5 maxicosi, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.391
22 2.523 2.316 2.443 3.970 5.972 31.001 1.541 0.081 0.216 7.739 19.312 26.767 0 3.480 cot 004 Sidewalk Pavers 0 maxicosi stroller 1 0.777 5 maxicosi, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.549
23 2.999 2.799 2.953 4.211 4.615 13.272 1.481 0.062 0.284 7.520 17.676 13.549 0 3.480 cot 004 Sidewalk Pavers 1 maxicosi stroller 0 0.333 5 maxicosi, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.331
24 0.915 0.765 0.832 1.411 7.543 32.027 1.585 0.038 0.061 10.571 24.805 6.874 0 3.480 cot 004 Tarmac 0 maxicosi stroller 0 0.803 5 maxicosi, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.705
25 0.861 0.738 0.798 1.428 8.495 36.605 1.526 0.032 0.059 8.569 24.072 7.311 0 3.480 cot 004 Tarmac 1 maxicosi stroller 0 0.918 5 maxicosi, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.495
26 3.163 2.929 2.993 4.744 5.193 25.187 1.399 0.084 0.260 7.153 19.824 18.837 9 8.900 seat 005 Sidewalk Slabs 0 maxicosi stroller 0 0.632 5 maxicosi, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.036
27 3.075 2.861 2.933 4.623 5.785 26.899 1.312 0.098 0.254 6.519 19.800 22.461 9 8.900 seat 005 Sidewalk Slabs 1 maxicosi stroller 0 0.674 5 maxicosi, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.723
28 3.071 2.786 2.934 4.674 5.088 24.744 1.359 0.070 0.245 6.885 20.532 21.631 9 8.900 seat 005 Sidewalk Slabs 2 maxicosi stroller 0 0.620 5 maxicosi, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.894
29 2.455 2.248 2.324 3.634 5.336 25.291 1.408 0.093 0.181 6.152 20.996 13.455 9 8.900 seat 006 Sidewalk Slabs 0 bugaboo stroller 0 0.634 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.069
30 2.376 2.190 2.269 3.509 5.625 25.744 1.358 0.098 0.188 5.737 19.922 13.807 9 8.900 seat 006 Sidewalk Slabs 1 bugaboo stroller 0 0.646 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.888
31 2.433 2.235 2.304 3.546 4.922 22.440 1.429 0.090 0.169 6.006 19.946 13.381 9 8.900 seat 006 Sidewalk Slabs 2 bugaboo stroller 0 0.563 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.143
32 2.183 1.710 1.773 2.801 3.415 20.000 1.403 0.055 0.217 8.984 26.270 7.333 9 8.900 seat 006 Paver Bricks 0 bugaboo stroller 0 0.501 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.051
33 2.298 1.766 1.827 3.023 4.026 20.000 1.454 0.041 0.228 9.424 26.465 9.246 9 8.900 seat 006 Paver Bricks 0 bugaboo stroller 1 0.501 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.236
34 2.322 1.805 1.860 3.160 4.050 27.923 1.476 0.056 0.166 9.717 26.416 9.488 9 8.900 seat 006 Paver Bricks 0 bugaboo stroller 2 0.700 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.314
35 2.726 2.488 2.700 3.685 5.218 20.000 1.180 0.180 0.329 6.885 20.801 18.540 9 8.900 seat 006 Cobblestones 0 bugaboo stroller 0 0.501 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.248
36 2.557 2.282 2.603 3.442 3.772 20.000 1.277 0.159 0.276 6.250 20.703 10.263 9 8.900 seat 006 Cobblestones 0 bugaboo stroller 1 0.501 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.596
37 2.330 2.130 2.323 3.060 3.898 20.000 1.154 0.187 0.263 6.543 20.068 9.247 9 8.900 seat 006 Cobblestones 0 bugaboo stroller 2 0.501 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.155
38 2.372 2.123 2.349 3.311 5.950 30.167 1.252 0.244 0.155 6.763 21.118 14.770 9 8.900 seat 006 Cobblestones 0 bugaboo stroller 3 0.756 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.508
39 1.963 1.753 2.042 2.886 6.012 20.000 1.451 0.113 0.189 7.666 21.436 12.336 9 8.900 seat 006 Sidewalk Pavers 0 bugaboo stroller 0 0.501 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.224
40 1.488 1.192 1.331 2.130 5.202 20.000 1.515 0.099 0.139 7.910 25.342 8.029 9 8.900 seat 006 Sidewalk Pavers 0 bugaboo stroller 1 0.501 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.455
41 1.689 1.379 1.492 2.404 5.371 34.039 1.470 0.101 0.127 7.495 24.609 9.218 9 8.900 seat 006 Sidewalk Pavers 0 bugaboo stroller 2 0.853 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.292
42 0.536 0.388 0.447 0.769 6.872 35.323 1.522 0.030 0.033 8.789 30.151 3.649 9 8.900 seat 006 Tarmac 0 bugaboo stroller 0 0.886 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.480
43 0.609 0.473 0.512 0.885 6.055 33.950 1.527 0.039 0.038 8.032 28.516 3.891 9 8.900 seat 006 Tarmac 1 bugaboo stroller 0 0.851 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.497
44 3.063 2.397 2.457 3.924 3.230 39.466 1.381 0.094 0.195 9.570 23.413 10.343 9 8.900 seat 007 Paver Bricks 0 maxicosi stroller 0 0.990 5 maxicosi, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.973
45 2.940 2.329 2.390 3.820 3.602 16.142 1.431 0.091 0.249 9.814 24.561 10.629 9 8.900 seat 007 Paver Bricks 1 maxicosi stroller 0 0.405 5 maxicosi, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.151
46 4.261 3.764 3.876 5.857 5.056 20.000 1.159 0.383 0.387 8.057 20.850 22.203 9 8.900 seat 007 Cobblestones 0 maxicosi stroller 0 0.501 5 maxicosi, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.171
47 4.050 3.586 3.780 5.778 5.622 20.000 1.373 0.150 0.358 8.105 20.264 23.183 9 8.900 seat 007 Cobblestones 0 maxicosi stroller 1 0.501 5 maxicosi, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.944
48 4.044 3.637 3.800 5.697 6.580 37.813 1.259 0.227 0.295 7.959 19.702 27.144 9 8.900 seat 007 Cobblestones 0 maxicosi stroller 2 0.948 5 maxicosi, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.534
49 3.072 2.751 2.962 4.798 5.042 20.000 1.449 0.105 0.331 7.080 19.482 18.918 9 8.900 seat 007 Sidewalk Pavers 0 maxicosi stroller 0 0.501 5 maxicosi, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.217
50 2.215 1.866 1.990 3.378 6.037 35.578 1.512 0.093 0.137 7.568 22.876 13.802 9 8.900 seat 007 Sidewalk Pavers 0 maxicosi stroller 1 0.892 5 maxicosi, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.443
51 1.022 0.766 0.810 1.439 7.236 33.631 1.539 0.054 0.092 10.181 29.346 7.432 9 8.900 seat 007 Tarmac 0 maxicosi stroller 0 0.843 5 maxicosi, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.542
52 0.964 0.671 0.718 1.292 4.305 38.607 1.540 0.053 0.079 10.229 30.664 4.303 9 8.900 seat 007 Tarmac 1 maxicosi stroller 0 0.968 5 maxicosi, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.543
53 4.679 4.561 4.631 7.898 6.975 20.167 1.708 0.090 0.676 5.713 16.162 37.469 0 3.480 cot 008 Sidewalk Slabs 0 bugaboo stroller 0 0.506 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 6.150
54 5.038 4.993 5.069 8.199 6.711 19.820 1.715 0.081 0.683 5.908 14.160 34.252 0 3.480 cot 008 Sidewalk Slabs 1 bugaboo stroller 0 0.497 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 6.173
55 4.698 4.632 4.712 7.640 5.407 20.476 1.692 0.074 0.676 5.762 14.990 25.425 0 3.480 cot 008 Sidewalk Slabs 2 bugaboo stroller 0 0.513 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 6.093
56 2.530 2.326 2.416 3.274 3.629 20.000 1.703 0.062 0.297 11.133 17.285 9.135 0 3.480 cot 008 Paver Bricks 0 bugaboo stroller 0 0.501 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 6.131
57 2.364 2.212 2.277 3.075 3.739 20.000 1.681 0.045 0.246 6.641 17.432 8.996 0 3.480 cot 008 Paver Bricks 0 bugaboo stroller 1 0.501 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 6.052
58 2.913 2.732 2.786 3.803 4.828 29.865 1.611 0.064 0.294 10.718 16.968 14.022 0 3.480 cot 008 Paver Bricks 0 bugaboo stroller 2 0.749 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.799
59 4.337 4.252 4.499 6.157 4.522 20.000 1.490 0.116 0.580 6.299 14.014 19.754 0 3.480 cot 008 Cobblestones 0 bugaboo stroller 0 0.501 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.364
60 4.578 4.493 4.685 7.174 7.241 19.999 1.491 0.136 0.596 6.445 14.600 33.584 0 3.480 cot 008 Cobblestones 0 bugaboo stroller 1 0.501 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.369
61 4.051 3.974 4.150 5.928 5.362 20.000 1.541 0.224 0.538 6.104 14.355 21.694 0 3.480 cot 008 Cobblestones 0 bugaboo stroller 2 0.501 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.548
62 4.586 4.512 4.698 7.188 7.525 21.541 1.499 0.193 0.342 7.324 14.355 34.562 0 3.480 cot 008 Cobblestones 0 bugaboo stroller 3 0.540 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.395
63 3.580 3.221 3.516 11.344 18.776 20.000 1.561 0.212 0.383 5.664 21.484 124.232 0 3.480 cot 008 Sidewalk Pavers 0 bugaboo stroller 0 0.501 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.620
64 2.285 2.209 2.358 3.680 8.126 30.796 1.628 0.091 0.174 6.494 15.479 18.565 0 3.480 cot 008 Sidewalk Pavers 0 bugaboo stroller 1 0.772 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.860
65 0.665 0.603 0.637 0.888 3.569 36.521 1.645 0.036 0.048 10.303 18.604 2.633 0 3.480 cot 008 Tarmac 0 bugaboo stroller 0 0.916 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.923
66 0.720 0.653 0.676 0.939 3.100 9.583 1.622 0.030 0.089 9.961 18.457 2.288 0 3.480 cot 008 Tarmac 1 bugaboo stroller 0 0.240 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.838
67 11.621 9.295 9.455 26.592 8.635 1.347 1.536 0.157 1.407 9.375 27.344 126.500 0 3.480 cot 009 Shock 0 bugaboo stroller 0 0.034 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.530
68 10.365 7.941 8.099 28.866 12.358 1.957 1.477 0.187 1.469 10.156 27.734 143.933 0 3.480 cot 009 Shock 1 bugaboo stroller 0 0.049 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.316
69 10.145 7.847 7.925 30.859 13.075 2.194 1.380 0.292 1.549 10.156 26.953 166.366 0 3.480 cot 009 Shock 2 bugaboo stroller 0 0.055 5 bugaboo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.968
70 8.322 6.412 6.612 16.152 6.081 1.005 1.745 0.222 1.166 12.500 29.688 52.022 9 8.900 seat 010 Shock 0 bugaboo stroller 0 0.025 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 6.280
71 7.949 5.916 6.090 15.008 5.941 1.260 1.504 0.142 1.208 11.719 28.906 50.092 9 8.900 seat 010 Shock 1 bugaboo stroller 0 0.032 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.416
72 10.469 7.179 7.342 18.360 4.448 0.999 1.557 0.144 1.353 12.500 31.250 48.733 9 8.900 seat 010 Shock 2 bugaboo stroller 0 0.025 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.607
73 8.880 6.308 6.468 16.314 5.152 1.274 1.540 0.161 1.332 12.500 29.688 46.470 9 8.900 seat 010 Shock 3 bugaboo stroller 0 0.032 5 bugaboo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.544
74 15.833 13.160 13.502 28.825 6.040 1.201 1.467 0.199 2.362 10.938 31.250 101.090 0 3.480 cot 011 Shock 0 maxicosi stroller 0 0.030 5 maxicosi, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.280
75 20.222 13.314 13.838 45.649 6.804 1.035 1.473 0.304 2.373 12.500 39.844 161.279 0 3.480 cot 011 Shock 1 maxicosi stroller 0 0.026 5 maxicosi, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.305
76 5.290 4.544 4.876 8.971 5.774 1.335 1.276 0.125 0.685 7.812 24.609 29.851 9 8.900 seat 012 Shock 0 maxicosi stroller 0 0.033 5 maxicosi, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.594
77 6.948 5.732 6.087 13.484 6.479 1.260 1.492 0.289 1.038 10.938 33.594 44.129 9 8.900 seat 012 Shock 1 maxicosi stroller 0 0.032 5 maxicosi, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.373
78 5.919 4.717 5.045 10.241 4.511 1.313 1.321 0.236 0.729 8.203 31.641 32.019 9 8.900 seat 012 Shock 2 maxicosi stroller 0 0.033 5 maxicosi, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.755
79 5.696 4.765 4.999 10.383 5.752 1.353 1.322 0.229 0.755 8.203 28.906 33.764 9 8.900 seat 012 Shock 3 maxicosi stroller 0 0.034 5 maxicosi, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.759
80 9.113 8.044 8.398 15.130 4.414 1.659 1.341 0.262 1.320 7.812 16.406 40.132 0 3.480 cot 013 Shock 0 yoyo stroller 0 0.042 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.827
81 11.902 11.075 11.532 18.989 4.527 1.414 1.135 0.198 1.673 7.422 17.578 56.186 0 3.480 cot 013 Shock 1 yoyo stroller 0 0.035 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.087
82 7.506 6.915 7.684 11.312 3.647 1.363 1.260 0.312 1.040 7.031 16.406 30.819 0 3.480 cot 013 Shock 2 yoyo stroller 0 0.034 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.537
83 8.086 7.597 7.892 12.051 3.438 1.516 1.311 0.244 1.091 7.031 16.797 29.148 0 3.480 cot 013 Shock 3 yoyo stroller 0 0.038 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.720
84 9.239 8.384 8.726 13.719 3.858 1.282 1.351 0.227 1.146 10.156 25.781 39.834 0 3.480 cot 013 Shock 4 yoyo stroller 0 0.032 5 yoyo, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.865
85 5.816 5.038 5.105 21.510 22.007 15.968 2.740 0.491 0.663 5.029 26.416 130.950 0 3.480 maxicosi 015 Shock 0 keiler bicycle 0 0.400 12 keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 9.865
86 5.009 4.447 4.552 16.580 19.712 13.313 3.271 0.466 0.588 4.980 28.369 144.392 0 3.480 maxicosi 015 Shock 1 keiler bicycle 0 0.334 12 keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 11.774
87 5.458 4.654 4.738 21.799 20.523 15.434 4.931 0.296 0.494 7.764 26.465 188.458 0 3.480 maxicosi 015 Shock 2 keiler bicycle 0 0.387 20 keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 17.751
88 4.075 3.684 3.777 10.338 12.550 11.124 4.921 0.868 0.396 8.057 26.514 70.690 0 3.480 maxicosi 015 Shock 3 keiler bicycle 0 0.279 20 keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 17.715
89 5.540 4.787 4.856 19.809 17.387 13.367 2.384 0.304 0.641 4.883 26.270 143.526 0 3.480 maxicosi 015 Shock 4 keiler bicycle 0 0.335 12 keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 8.582
90 4.516 3.986 4.039 17.547 22.155 16.695 1.968 0.338 0.600 4.883 25.488 128.825 0 3.480 maxicosi 015 Shock 5 keiler bicycle 0 0.419 5 keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 7.085
91 5.303 4.778 4.841 18.039 18.254 11.863 1.887 0.155 0.611 4.980 24.072 96.686 0 3.480 maxicosi 015 Shock 6 keiler bicycle 0 0.297 5 keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 6.794
92 2.072 2.062 2.111 3.285 6.051 20.000 4.103 0.076 0.306 8.057 13.184 12.544 0 3.480 maxicosi 015 Tarmac 0 keiler bicycle 0 0.501 12 keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 14.772
93 1.468 1.466 1.508 2.390 6.778 20.000 3.754 0.085 0.237 8.057 13.672 10.017 0 3.480 maxicosi 015 Tarmac 0 keiler bicycle 1 0.501 12 keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 13.515
94 1.925 1.936 1.984 4.101 11.992 33.657 3.822 0.055 0.246 8.105 12.988 23.261 0 3.480 maxicosi 015 Tarmac 0 keiler bicycle 2 0.844 12 keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 13.759
95 3.110 3.126 3.200 4.262 4.538 20.000 6.129 0.096 0.426 7.764 12.549 14.265 0 3.480 maxicosi 015 Tarmac 1 keiler bicycle 0 0.501 20 keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 22.063
96 2.403 2.393 2.451 3.468 5.725 38.430 5.916 0.102 0.235 7.812 13.867 13.800 0 3.480 maxicosi 015 Tarmac 1 keiler bicycle 1 0.964 20 keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 21.299
97 5.876 5.921 6.112 9.047 7.493 20.000 3.788 0.199 0.897 7.031 13.770 43.832 0 3.480 maxicosi 016 Paver Bricks 0 keiler bicycle 0 0.501 12 keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 13.637
98 8.034 7.855 8.018 13.307 6.839 27.555 3.532 0.248 0.658 8.105 19.604 55.334 0 3.480 maxicosi 016 Paver Bricks 0 keiler bicycle 1 0.691 12 keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 12.717
99 4.096 3.914 4.056 6.071 5.983 20.000 3.897 0.170 0.526 7.861 16.846 38.392 3 5.900 melia 018 Paver Bricks 0 keiler bicycle 0 0.501 12 keiler, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 14.029
100 6.672 5.892 6.035 11.714 10.246 32.573 3.519 0.177 0.516 7.886 27.002 81.421 3 5.900 melia 018 Paver Bricks 0 keiler bicycle 1 0.817 12 keiler, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 12.669
101 6.519 5.879 6.027 11.136 8.681 20.000 5.364 0.614 0.736 6.592 25.293 55.972 3 5.900 melia 018 Paver Bricks 1 keiler bicycle 0 0.501 20 keiler, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 19.310
102 12.553 7.571 7.711 28.350 11.818 26.003 4.796 0.591 0.576 7.056 44.336 161.426 3 5.900 melia 018 Paver Bricks 1 keiler bicycle 1 0.652 20 keiler, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 17.265
103 2.412 2.259 2.282 7.761 17.422 15.428 1.763 0.267 0.247 7.471 16.064 43.784 3 5.900 melia 018 Shock 0 keiler bicycle 0 0.387 5 keiler, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 6.346
104 3.201 2.882 2.902 10.110 17.672 14.837 1.871 0.139 0.367 7.324 27.100 60.712 3 5.900 melia 018 Shock 1 keiler bicycle 0 0.372 5 keiler, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 6.735
105 2.974 2.751 2.795 7.642 13.803 12.273 3.062 0.129 0.303 5.078 20.312 47.262 3 5.900 melia 018 Shock 2 keiler bicycle 0 0.308 12 keiler, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 11.023
106 4.098 3.000 3.034 16.123 25.334 16.836 3.343 0.107 0.367 8.350 37.451 123.157 3 5.900 melia 018 Shock 3 keiler bicycle 0 0.422 12 keiler, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 12.034
107 5.352 3.566 3.623 21.401 25.648 11.512 5.441 0.263 0.312 8.105 33.008 183.239 3 5.900 melia 018 Shock 4 keiler bicycle 0 0.289 20 keiler, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 19.589
108 3.618 3.194 3.292 11.336 19.337 9.891 5.243 0.300 0.477 5.859 30.176 87.184 3 5.900 melia 018 Shock 5 keiler bicycle 0 0.248 20 keiler, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 18.876
109 1.365 1.342 1.383 2.477 9.842 20.000 3.680 0.056 0.208 7.812 14.014 14.852 3 5.900 melia 018 Tarmac 0 keiler bicycle 0 0.501 12 keiler, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 13.247
110 1.117 1.088 1.139 1.759 6.513 30.772 3.721 0.064 0.118 7.886 14.307 10.160 3 5.900 melia 018 Tarmac 0 keiler bicycle 1 0.772 12 keiler, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 13.395
111 1.478 1.447 1.528 1.966 3.386 20.000 5.930 0.096 0.180 8.398 13.672 5.462 3 5.900 melia 018 Tarmac 1 keiler bicycle 0 0.501 20 keiler, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 21.348
112 1.650 1.622 1.706 2.288 4.190 25.240 5.730 0.170 0.163 8.203 13.965 7.401 3 5.900 melia 018 Tarmac 1 keiler bicycle 1 0.633 20 keiler, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 20.629
113 4.580 4.288 4.323 5.946 3.995 20.000 3.737 0.353 0.502 8.203 17.285 18.338 0 3.480 maxicosi 019 Paver Bricks 0 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.501 12 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 13.454
114 6.814 6.039 6.064 15.721 11.985 20.000 3.487 0.157 0.714 7.568 21.680 145.298 0 3.480 maxicosi 019 Paver Bricks 0 urbanarrow bicycle 1 0.501 12 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 12.552
115 8.155 6.741 6.775 21.951 12.679 22.313 3.222 0.197 0.442 7.007 25.244 164.118 0 3.480 maxicosi 019 Paver Bricks 0 urbanarrow bicycle 2 0.559 12 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 11.601
116 11.582 8.191 8.273 30.402 13.728 38.274 6.606 0.806 0.720 6.934 38.013 182.527 0 3.480 maxicosi 019 Paver Bricks 1 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.960 25 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 23.783
117 1.896 1.821 1.963 7.152 26.097 37.790 0.521 0.756 0.191 5.518 15.332 50.433 0 3.480 maxicosi 019 Shock 0 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.948 5 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 1.875
118 2.455 2.233 2.300 9.461 27.796 35.783 1.098 1.329 0.229 5.444 22.339 69.101 0 3.480 maxicosi 019 Shock 1 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.897 5 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 3.953
119 2.266 2.018 2.087 8.961 25.263 33.220 1.838 1.218 0.208 5.127 24.243 57.777 0 3.480 maxicosi 019 Shock 2 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.833 5 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 6.618
120 2.875 2.341 2.407 12.359 25.981 32.331 3.349 2.690 0.201 5.322 27.051 127.048 0 3.480 maxicosi 019 Shock 3 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.811 12 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 12.056
121 2.766 2.183 2.261 13.151 33.219 36.697 2.809 2.895 0.193 5.005 30.859 133.933 0 3.480 maxicosi 019 Shock 4 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.920 12 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 10.111
122 0.991 0.847 0.919 1.543 6.722 20.000 3.386 0.278 0.103 9.961 19.531 6.681 0 3.480 maxicosi 019 Tarmac 0 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.501 12 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 12.188
123 1.575 1.461 1.488 3.248 9.964 38.100 3.457 0.120 0.155 8.594 17.529 15.736 0 3.480 maxicosi 019 Tarmac 0 urbanarrow bicycle 1 0.955 12 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 12.444
124 2.013 1.787 1.863 2.753 5.077 20.000 6.812 0.424 0.216 9.668 18.164 10.275 0 3.480 maxicosi 019 Tarmac 1 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.501 25 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 24.522
125 2.170 1.938 1.966 3.055 5.289 23.062 6.920 0.247 0.152 9.790 17.993 11.391 0 3.480 maxicosi 019 Tarmac 1 urbanarrow bicycle 1 0.578 25 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 24.913
126 2.907 2.681 2.732 3.750 3.339 20.000 3.536 0.115 0.321 6.836 17.480 10.057 3 5.900 maxicosi 020 Paver Bricks 0 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.501 12 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 12.730
127 6.181 5.096 5.158 18.331 23.604 38.231 3.401 0.137 0.387 4.834 25.806 166.597 3 5.900 maxicosi 020 Paver Bricks 0 urbanarrow bicycle 1 0.959 12 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 12.245
128 10.758 7.374 7.453 30.206 14.674 32.095 5.496 0.302 0.475 5.029 32.373 167.062 3 5.900 maxicosi 020 Paver Bricks 1 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.805 20 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 19.786
129 10.591 7.660 7.772 29.362 14.711 30.325 6.785 0.234 0.503 6.274 31.201 167.345 3 5.900 maxicosi 020 Paver Bricks 2 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.760 25 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 24.425
130 2.869 1.936 1.999 15.334 34.101 21.625 1.947 0.166 0.131 4.614 35.938 152.858 3 5.900 maxicosi 020 Shock 0 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.542 5 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 7.009
131 3.352 1.982 2.067 18.265 38.362 21.144 1.863 0.127 0.112 4.712 35.620 167.664 3 5.900 maxicosi 020 Shock 1 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.530 5 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 6.709
132 5.535 3.525 3.597 23.272 26.926 9.594 3.558 0.175 0.498 5.469 38.477 167.115 3 5.900 maxicosi 020 Shock 2 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.241 12 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 12.808
133 4.342 2.687 2.747 20.231 30.837 16.588 3.545 0.154 0.237 5.078 37.207 166.413 3 5.900 maxicosi 020 Shock 3 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.416 12 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 12.761
134 5.054 3.143 3.245 22.828 29.578 12.144 6.516 0.421 0.247 7.324 41.650 167.502 3 5.900 maxicosi 020 Shock 4 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.304 25 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 23.456
135 5.712 3.422 3.514 23.803 29.224 10.538 6.439 0.433 0.275 7.812 38.525 167.758 3 5.900 maxicosi 020 Shock 5 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.264 25 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 23.179
136 0.976 0.890 0.958 1.547 6.199 20.000 3.579 0.058 0.104 8.350 18.359 6.107 3 5.900 maxicosi 020 Tarmac 0 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.501 12 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 12.884
137 1.168 1.070 1.116 2.541 12.933 30.700 3.707 0.178 0.079 9.253 18.262 15.200 3 5.900 maxicosi 020 Tarmac 0 urbanarrow bicycle 1 0.770 12 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 13.344
138 1.627 1.455 1.534 2.364 5.961 20.000 6.877 0.102 0.162 9.473 18.213 9.862 3 5.900 maxicosi 020 Tarmac 1 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.501 25 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 24.756
139 1.642 1.468 1.516 2.192 3.778 23.244 6.822 0.119 0.111 9.595 18.384 6.320 3 5.900 maxicosi 020 Tarmac 1 urbanarrow bicycle 1 0.583 25 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 24.560
140 9.222 8.512 8.564 15.931 9.936 39.052 5.657 0.252 0.724 8.008 19.775 129.698 0 3.480 maxicosi 021 Paver Bricks 0 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.979 20 urbanarrow, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 20.366
141 1.759 1.565 1.594 6.419 23.153 20.922 1.851 0.134 0.088 5.298 21.143 44.116 3 5.900 melia 022 Shock 0 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.525 5 urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 6.662
142 1.727 1.540 1.584 6.272 23.355 18.147 2.037 0.277 0.162 5.078 20.703 41.369 3 5.900 melia 022 Shock 1 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.455 5 urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 7.335
143 2.621 2.346 2.387 7.671 16.884 11.240 3.527 0.203 0.211 4.004 18.799 43.910 3 5.900 melia 022 Shock 2 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.282 12 urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 12.696
144 2.167 1.957 1.992 6.728 18.742 16.340 3.397 0.183 0.199 4.004 17.725 41.466 3 5.900 melia 022 Shock 3 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.410 12 urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 12.228
145 3.137 2.673 2.744 8.345 13.505 10.083 6.610 0.505 0.348 4.395 21.289 41.768 3 5.900 melia 022 Shock 4 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.253 25 urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 23.797
146 3.667 3.158 3.236 9.574 11.346 7.161 6.469 0.475 0.354 4.297 20.996 43.016 3 5.900 melia 022 Shock 5 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.180 25 urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 23.289
147 0.703 0.615 0.657 1.152 6.736 20.000 3.562 0.116 0.066 8.594 17.285 4.706 3 5.900 melia 022 Tarmac 0 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.501 12 urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 12.824
148 1.143 1.048 1.067 2.697 12.075 20.000 3.503 0.089 0.125 11.182 16.553 14.235 3 5.900 melia 022 Tarmac 0 urbanarrow bicycle 1 0.501 12 urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 12.609
149 0.986 0.920 0.945 2.060 8.979 21.183 3.577 0.079 0.070 8.350 16.138 9.087 3 5.900 melia 022 Tarmac 0 urbanarrow bicycle 2 0.531 12 urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 12.877
150 1.436 1.280 1.342 2.132 6.736 20.000 6.850 0.112 0.164 9.570 16.602 9.645 3 5.900 melia 022 Tarmac 1 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.501 25 urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 24.660
151 1.362 1.226 1.270 1.914 4.770 25.921 6.711 0.205 0.108 9.277 16.504 6.577 3 5.900 melia 022 Tarmac 1 urbanarrow bicycle 1 0.650 25 urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 24.160
152 3.756 3.471 3.492 5.789 7.805 20.000 3.463 0.147 0.388 8.252 17.920 30.162 3 5.900 melia 023 Paver Bricks 0 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.501 12 urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 12.466
153 5.165 4.774 4.799 8.830 8.743 28.258 3.474 0.164 0.381 6.836 19.873 45.626 3 5.900 melia 023 Paver Bricks 0 urbanarrow bicycle 1 0.709 12 urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 12.505
154 6.891 6.219 6.251 11.541 8.618 36.816 5.673 0.144 0.531 7.935 21.191 59.943 3 5.900 melia 023 Paver Bricks 1 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.923 20 urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 20.421
155 7.552 6.793 6.850 11.882 7.238 31.691 6.911 0.181 0.496 9.229 21.069 72.655 3 5.900 melia 023 Paver Bricks 2 urbanarrow bicycle 0 0.795 25 urbanarrow, melia, 3 mo melia, 3 mo 24.881
156 5.010 4.979 5.200 6.883 4.598 20.000 3.945 0.309 0.642 8.057 15.576 23.188 3 5.900 maxicosi 024 Paver Bricks 0 keiler bicycle 0 0.501 12 keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 14.203
157 7.630 6.404 6.674 17.715 17.453 37.803 3.703 0.197 0.545 7.935 28.247 149.296 3 5.900 maxicosi 024 Paver Bricks 0 keiler bicycle 1 0.948 12 keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 13.332
158 9.679 8.005 8.222 22.490 14.529 20.000 5.892 0.429 1.013 7.324 28.613 167.620 3 5.900 maxicosi 024 Paver Bricks 1 keiler bicycle 0 0.501 20 keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 21.213
159 9.878 7.593 7.868 24.514 14.245 22.795 5.549 0.311 0.529 7.104 32.764 164.840 3 5.900 maxicosi 024 Paver Bricks 1 keiler bicycle 1 0.572 20 keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 19.975
160 4.241 3.186 3.237 18.997 31.300 13.384 2.117 0.271 0.399 4.492 33.057 142.940 3 5.900 maxicosi 024 Shock 0 keiler bicycle 0 0.336 5 keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 7.623
161 4.342 2.628 2.671 22.155 38.777 20.655 2.318 0.173 0.205 4.492 40.601 167.334 3 5.900 maxicosi 024 Shock 1 keiler bicycle 0 0.518 5 keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 8.346
162 4.459 3.164 3.215 20.728 27.820 18.715 3.342 0.150 0.380 4.541 35.596 168.220 3 5.900 maxicosi 024 Shock 2 keiler bicycle 0 0.469 12 keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 12.032
163 3.942 2.674 2.729 19.399 42.615 23.627 3.311 0.080 0.162 6.909 35.938 166.018 3 5.900 maxicosi 024 Shock 3 keiler bicycle 0 0.592 12 keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 11.921
164 4.020 3.375 3.465 16.318 30.178 15.736 5.337 0.279 0.281 10.254 26.514 130.027 3 5.900 maxicosi 024 Shock 4 keiler bicycle 0 0.395 20 keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 19.215
165 5.219 3.791 3.878 22.966 29.757 12.088 5.534 0.285 0.329 6.299 33.936 167.300 3 5.900 maxicosi 024 Shock 5 keiler bicycle 0 0.303 20 keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 19.923
166 1.555 1.584 1.629 2.587 7.432 20.000 3.547 0.213 0.285 7.666 12.402 11.517 3 5.900 maxicosi 024 Tarmac 0 keiler bicycle 0 0.501 12 keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 12.771
167 1.485 1.507 1.555 2.706 8.810 35.591 3.574 0.055 0.208 7.568 13.232 13.251 3 5.900 maxicosi 024 Tarmac 0 keiler bicycle 1 0.892 12 keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 12.868
168 2.131 2.127 2.203 2.943 4.035 20.000 6.008 0.136 0.331 6.641 12.500 8.691 3 5.900 maxicosi 024 Tarmac 1 keiler bicycle 0 0.501 20 keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 21.629
169 2.019 2.039 2.122 2.705 3.815 27.593 5.668 0.133 0.179 6.177 12.866 7.715 3 5.900 maxicosi 024 Tarmac 1 keiler bicycle 1 0.692 20 keiler, maxicosi, 3 mo maxicosi, 3 mo 20.404
170 3.934 3.653 3.708 5.956 7.118 23.183 1.526 0.084 0.322 5.347 19.702 31.076 9 8.900 seat 025 Sidewalk Slabs 0 yoyo stroller 0 0.581 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.494
171 3.995 3.720 3.781 6.117 6.730 23.997 1.463 0.094 0.317 5.151 18.872 27.120 9 8.900 seat 025 Sidewalk Slabs 1 yoyo stroller 0 0.602 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.269
172 3.938 3.704 3.763 5.943 4.771 22.778 1.512 0.080 0.314 5.322 18.481 31.346 9 8.900 seat 025 Sidewalk Slabs 2 yoyo stroller 0 0.571 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.444
173 3.525 2.820 2.858 4.675 3.796 20.000 1.537 0.064 0.464 10.254 28.613 16.733 9 8.900 seat 025 Paver Bricks 0 yoyo stroller 0 0.501 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.533
174 3.342 2.753 2.790 4.465 3.936 19.999 1.540 0.047 0.433 10.498 24.707 19.071 9 8.900 seat 025 Paver Bricks 0 yoyo stroller 1 0.501 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.546
175 3.872 3.408 3.442 5.051 3.701 27.623 1.517 0.061 0.439 10.571 21.704 15.571 9 8.900 seat 025 Paver Bricks 0 yoyo stroller 2 0.693 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.460
176 5.358 5.038 5.117 7.196 4.324 20.000 1.339 0.141 0.698 8.105 17.822 24.212 9 8.900 seat 025 Cobblestones 0 yoyo stroller 0 0.501 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.821
177 5.165 4.852 4.920 7.125 4.489 20.000 1.444 0.138 0.553 7.324 17.627 23.496 9 8.900 seat 025 Cobblestones 0 yoyo stroller 1 0.501 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.200
178 5.217 4.955 5.011 6.994 4.292 24.650 1.327 0.134 0.442 7.617 17.432 22.114 9 8.900 seat 025 Cobblestones 0 yoyo stroller 2 0.618 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.776
179 4.023 3.486 3.634 8.234 13.183 20.000 1.505 0.124 0.438 8.105 24.268 58.784 9 8.900 seat 025 Sidewalk Pavers 0 yoyo stroller 0 0.501 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.417
180 2.268 1.957 2.059 3.297 6.545 36.968 1.535 0.084 0.192 8.398 22.461 20.292 9 8.900 seat 025 Sidewalk Pavers 0 yoyo stroller 1 0.927 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.527
181 0.732 0.395 0.442 0.992 6.104 39.581 1.499 0.037 0.044 11.133 41.846 4.038 9 8.900 seat 025 Tarmac 0 yoyo stroller 0 0.992 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.397
182 0.751 0.428 0.470 1.043 6.398 38.662 1.488 0.035 0.048 11.011 41.479 5.745 9 8.900 seat 025 Tarmac 1 yoyo stroller 0 0.969 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.356
183 3.334 2.736 2.850 8.134 12.286 6.227 1.285 0.117 0.357 5.957 28.027 49.907 9 8.900 seat 026 Shock 0 yoyo stroller 0 0.156 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.624
184 3.178 2.625 2.787 7.264 11.298 6.574 1.322 0.106 0.344 5.566 27.246 39.457 9 8.900 seat 026 Shock 1 yoyo stroller 0 0.165 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.761
185 3.313 2.940 3.257 7.613 8.835 7.437 1.272 0.191 0.338 4.395 21.387 31.697 9 8.900 seat 026 Shock 2 yoyo stroller 0 0.186 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.581
186 4.392 3.451 3.646 12.233 15.294 5.555 1.302 0.156 0.359 6.348 32.617 81.394 9 8.900 seat 026 Shock 3 yoyo stroller 0 0.139 5 yoyo, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.689
187 2.402 2.099 2.348 4.345 5.663 6.599 1.292 0.231 0.344 4.004 16.406 17.548 0 3.480 cot 027 Shock 0 greenmachine stroller 0 0.165 5 greenmachine, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.651
188 2.191 1.863 2.084 4.290 6.964 7.652 1.284 0.186 0.312 4.004 17.773 18.073 0 3.480 cot 027 Shock 1 greenmachine stroller 0 0.192 5 greenmachine, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.623
189 2.568 2.196 2.449 4.862 6.483 6.674 1.269 0.194 0.347 4.004 18.164 19.016 0 3.480 cot 027 Shock 2 greenmachine stroller 0 0.167 5 greenmachine, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.569
190 2.342 2.015 2.270 4.328 6.263 7.109 1.264 0.164 0.312 4.004 16.699 15.084 0 3.480 cot 027 Shock 3 greenmachine stroller 0 0.178 5 greenmachine, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.552
191 3.192 1.589 1.696 5.905 13.322 23.627 1.559 0.087 0.111 5.444 38.818 38.515 9 8.900 seat 028 Sidewalk Slabs 0 oldrusty stroller 0 0.592 5 oldrusty, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.611
192 3.167 1.519 1.659 6.429 10.781 23.935 1.498 0.086 0.108 5.200 38.892 51.824 9 8.900 seat 028 Sidewalk Slabs 1 oldrusty stroller 0 0.600 5 oldrusty, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.393
193 3.191 1.547 1.671 5.851 10.667 23.879 1.514 0.087 0.104 5.298 39.209 33.809 9 8.900 seat 028 Sidewalk Slabs 2 oldrusty stroller 0 0.599 5 oldrusty, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.449
194 3.194 1.184 1.316 4.597 5.185 20.000 1.483 0.061 0.099 5.029 42.480 20.381 9 8.900 seat 028 Paver Bricks 0 oldrusty stroller 0 0.501 5 oldrusty, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.340
195 3.447 1.230 1.367 5.100 6.684 20.000 1.500 0.064 0.108 5.322 45.605 23.237 9 8.900 seat 028 Paver Bricks 0 oldrusty stroller 1 0.501 5 oldrusty, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.401
196 3.471 1.228 1.404 4.940 6.358 25.732 1.513 0.069 0.075 5.225 44.434 22.769 9 8.900 seat 028 Paver Bricks 0 oldrusty stroller 2 0.645 5 oldrusty, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.447
197 4.714 1.970 2.168 7.651 5.746 20.000 1.387 0.166 0.197 4.980 39.307 56.680 9 8.900 seat 028 Cobblestones 0 oldrusty stroller 0 0.501 5 oldrusty, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.993
198 4.761 2.083 2.413 7.283 6.324 39.882 1.373 0.165 0.169 5.249 38.696 36.984 9 8.900 seat 028 Cobblestones 0 oldrusty stroller 1 1.000 5 oldrusty, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.941
199 2.470 1.563 1.650 5.948 9.204 6.783 1.339 0.166 0.253 4.004 28.809 34.027 9 8.900 seat 028 Shock 0 oldrusty stroller 0 0.170 5 oldrusty, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.821
200 2.568 1.776 1.864 5.439 8.695 5.984 1.331 0.156 0.277 4.004 26.758 28.539 9 8.900 seat 028 Shock 1 oldrusty stroller 0 0.150 5 oldrusty, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.791
201 2.582 1.656 1.810 5.786 7.976 6.197 1.317 0.193 0.240 4.004 28.320 28.906 9 8.900 seat 028 Shock 2 oldrusty stroller 0 0.155 5 oldrusty, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.740
202 2.860 1.813 1.986 6.532 10.150 7.442 1.280 0.171 0.285 4.004 29.492 32.929 9 8.900 seat 028 Shock 3 oldrusty stroller 0 0.187 5 oldrusty, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 4.607
203 3.485 1.639 1.974 6.000 10.642 20.000 1.507 0.114 0.171 4.980 37.891 48.019 9 8.900 seat 028 Sidewalk Pavers 0 oldrusty stroller 0 0.501 5 oldrusty, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.424
204 3.053 1.184 1.415 4.975 8.812 34.592 1.503 0.100 0.080 5.737 42.212 33.797 9 8.900 seat 028 Sidewalk Pavers 0 oldrusty stroller 1 0.867 5 oldrusty, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.409
205 1.077 0.526 0.631 1.505 5.346 20.000 1.448 0.045 0.048 8.008 43.066 6.794 9 8.900 seat 028 Tarmac 0 oldrusty stroller 0 0.501 5 oldrusty, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.214
206 1.165 0.557 0.639 1.651 5.986 25.267 1.497 0.055 0.035 6.079 41.187 7.764 9 8.900 seat 028 Tarmac 0 oldrusty stroller 1 0.634 5 oldrusty, seat, 9 mo seat, 9 mo 5.388
207 3.477 3.246 3.448 5.707 6.727 23.086 1.529 0.128 0.423 4.004 17.114 24.070 0 3.480 cot 029 Sidewalk Slabs 0 greenmachine stroller 0 0.579 5 greenmachine, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.505
208 3.228 2.954 3.120 4.859 6.679 25.086 1.441 0.104 0.392 3.833 16.382 22.614 0 3.480 cot 029 Sidewalk Slabs 1 greenmachine stroller 0 0.629 5 greenmachine, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.188
209 3.718 3.449 3.587 6.042 6.757 23.576 1.501 0.095 0.440 3.931 16.772 25.501 0 3.480 cot 029 Sidewalk Slabs 2 greenmachine stroller 0 0.591 5 greenmachine, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.403
210 1.563 1.288 1.551 2.101 4.479 20.000 1.556 0.078 0.186 4.150 26.660 7.130 0 3.480 cot 029 Paver Bricks 0 greenmachine stroller 0 0.501 5 greenmachine, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.603
211 1.567 1.284 1.631 2.111 4.487 39.118 1.548 0.084 0.189 4.175 26.904 7.072 0 3.480 cot 029 Paver Bricks 0 greenmachine stroller 1 0.981 5 greenmachine, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.574
212 3.289 2.986 3.342 4.779 5.203 20.000 1.442 0.143 0.505 4.004 17.383 17.674 0 3.480 cot 029 Cobblestones 0 greenmachine stroller 0 0.501 5 greenmachine, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.191
213 3.159 2.897 3.362 4.518 5.223 20.000 1.335 0.210 0.489 4.150 17.090 16.607 0 3.480 cot 029 Cobblestones 0 greenmachine stroller 1 0.501 5 greenmachine, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 4.807
214 3.121 2.882 3.376 4.466 5.346 31.235 1.411 0.176 0.422 4.150 17.285 16.822 0 3.480 cot 029 Cobblestones 0 greenmachine stroller 2 0.783 5 greenmachine, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.080
215 3.746 3.448 3.911 5.979 6.551 20.000 1.480 0.253 0.623 4.004 17.236 25.602 0 3.480 cot 029 Sidewalk Pavers 0 greenmachine stroller 0 0.501 5 greenmachine, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.327
216 1.734 1.578 1.983 2.516 6.516 36.335 1.484 0.116 0.252 4.248 19.702 11.474 0 3.480 cot 029 Sidewalk Pavers 0 greenmachine stroller 1 0.911 5 greenmachine, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.343
217 0.458 0.352 0.642 0.612 3.905 20.000 1.513 0.041 0.050 4.248 33.350 2.497 0 3.480 cot 029 Tarmac 0 greenmachine stroller 0 0.501 5 greenmachine, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.448
218 0.499 0.366 0.756 0.682 4.275 24.228 1.516 0.047 0.037 4.248 33.472 2.487 0 3.480 cot 029 Tarmac 0 greenmachine stroller 1 0.608 5 greenmachine, cot, 0 mo cot, 0 mo 5.459
219 12.596 10.680 10.917 27.108 9.920 33.965 6.242 0.249 0.937 6.763 26.929 199.595 0 3.480 maxicosi 030 Paver Bricks 0 keiler bicycle 0 0.852 20 keiler, maxicosi, 0 mo maxicosi, 0 mo 22.471

220 rows × 26 columns

SeatBotacc_ver Repetition Time Histories

The time history of the signal of each trial broken into repetitions selected from each scenario.


|        Session: session001         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'aula': 3}
Total duration: 209.39
Main data frame memory usage: 313.34 megabytes



klinkers not in session


pave not in session


shock not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session002         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'aula': 2}
Total duration: 178.09
Main data frame memory usage: 240.80 megabytes



klinkers not in session


pave not in session


shock not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session003         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 2, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 715.66
Main data frame memory usage: 1276.57 megabytes


aula not in session




shock not in session




|        Session: session004         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 2, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 1346.00
Main data frame memory usage: 2000.23 megabytes


aula not in session




shock not in session




|        Session: session005         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3}
Total duration: 278.15
Main data frame memory usage: 444.01 megabytes



klinkers not in session


pave not in session


shock not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session006         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 2753.56
Main data frame memory usage: 4956.48 megabytes





shock not in session




|        Session: session007         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 2, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 1395.79
Main data frame memory usage: 2326.01 megabytes


aula not in session




shock not in session




|        Session: session008         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 848.48
Main data frame memory usage: 1481.35 megabytes





shock not in session




|        Session: session009         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 3}
Total duration: 213.98
Main data frame memory usage: 370.08 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session



stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session010         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 312.35
Main data frame memory usage: 496.92 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session



stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session011         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 2}
Total duration: 684.94
Main data frame memory usage: 1187.22 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session



stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session012         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 242.10
Main data frame memory usage: 424.11 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session



stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session013         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 5}
Total duration: 329.98
Main data frame memory usage: 577.42 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session



stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


missing bounds, skipped: session014


|        Session: session015         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 7}
Total duration: 994.54
Main data frame memory usage: 1792.61 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session



stoeptegels not in session



|        Session: session016         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1}
Total duration: 1112.08
Main data frame memory usage: 861.74 megabytes


aula not in session



pave not in session


shock not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


missing bounds, skipped: session017


|        Session: session018         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: melia with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6, 'klinkers': 2}
Total duration: 1673.39
Main data frame memory usage: 3018.99 megabytes


aula not in session



pave not in session



stoeptegels not in session



|        Session: session019         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 5, 'klinkers': 2}
Total duration: 1464.29
Main data frame memory usage: 2574.99 megabytes


aula not in session



pave not in session



stoeptegels not in session



|        Session: session020         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: maxicosi with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6, 'klinkers': 3}
Total duration: 1637.73
Main data frame memory usage: 2950.08 megabytes


aula not in session



pave not in session



stoeptegels not in session



|        Session: session021         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'klinkers': 1}
Total duration: 229.49
Main data frame memory usage: 420.33 megabytes


aula not in session



pave not in session


shock not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session022         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: melia with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6}
Total duration: 948.66
Main data frame memory usage: 1669.80 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session



stoeptegels not in session



|        Session: session023         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: melia with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'klinkers': 3}
Total duration: 760.67
Main data frame memory usage: 1317.30 megabytes


aula not in session



pave not in session


shock not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session024         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6, 'klinkers': 2}
Total duration: 1465.67
Main data frame memory usage: 2641.99 megabytes


aula not in session



pave not in session



stoeptegels not in session



|        Session: session025         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 989.59
Main data frame memory usage: 1563.65 megabytes





shock not in session




|        Session: session026         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 366.53
Main data frame memory usage: 561.15 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session



stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session027         |
Vehicle: stroller greenmachine: None None
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 505.75
Main data frame memory usage: 422.39 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session



stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session028         |
Vehicle: stroller oldrusty: None None
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 4, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 1}
Total duration: 1324.94
Main data frame memory usage: 2386.69 megabytes








|        Session: session029         |
Vehicle: stroller greenmachine: None None
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 1}
Total duration: 795.33
Main data frame memory usage: 1348.64 megabytes





shock not in session




|        Session: session030         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1}
Total duration: 271.89
Main data frame memory usage: 440.03 megabytes


aula not in session



pave not in session


shock not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session

SeatBotacc_ver Amplitude Spectra (with ISO 2631-1 weighting)


|        Session: session001         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'aula': 3}
Total duration: 209.39
Main data frame memory usage: 313.34 megabytes



klinkers not in session


pave not in session


shock not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session002         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'aula': 2}
Total duration: 178.09
Main data frame memory usage: 240.80 megabytes



klinkers not in session


pave not in session


shock not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session003         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 2, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 715.66
Main data frame memory usage: 1276.57 megabytes


aula not in session




shock not in session




|        Session: session004         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 2, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 1346.00
Main data frame memory usage: 2000.23 megabytes


aula not in session




shock not in session




|        Session: session005         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3}
Total duration: 278.15
Main data frame memory usage: 444.01 megabytes



klinkers not in session


pave not in session


shock not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session006         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 2753.56
Main data frame memory usage: 4956.48 megabytes





shock not in session




|        Session: session007         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 2, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 1395.79
Main data frame memory usage: 2326.01 megabytes


aula not in session




shock not in session




|        Session: session008         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 848.48
Main data frame memory usage: 1481.35 megabytes





shock not in session




|        Session: session009         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 3}
Total duration: 213.98
Main data frame memory usage: 370.08 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session010         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 312.35
Main data frame memory usage: 496.92 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session011         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 2}
Total duration: 684.94
Main data frame memory usage: 1187.22 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session012         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 242.10
Main data frame memory usage: 424.11 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session013         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 5}
Total duration: 329.98
Main data frame memory usage: 577.42 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


missing bounds, skipped: session014


|        Session: session015         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 7}
Total duration: 994.54
Main data frame memory usage: 1792.61 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session


stoeptegels not in session



|        Session: session016         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1}
Total duration: 1112.08
Main data frame memory usage: 861.74 megabytes


aula not in session



pave not in session


shock not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


missing bounds, skipped: session017


|        Session: session018         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: melia with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6, 'klinkers': 2}
Total duration: 1673.39
Main data frame memory usage: 3018.99 megabytes


aula not in session



pave not in session


stoeptegels not in session



|        Session: session019         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 5, 'klinkers': 2}
Total duration: 1464.29
Main data frame memory usage: 2574.99 megabytes


aula not in session



pave not in session


stoeptegels not in session



|        Session: session020         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: maxicosi with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6, 'klinkers': 3}
Total duration: 1637.73
Main data frame memory usage: 2950.08 megabytes


aula not in session



pave not in session


stoeptegels not in session



|        Session: session021         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'klinkers': 1}
Total duration: 229.49
Main data frame memory usage: 420.33 megabytes


aula not in session



pave not in session


shock not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session022         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: melia with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6}
Total duration: 948.66
Main data frame memory usage: 1669.80 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session


stoeptegels not in session



|        Session: session023         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: melia with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'klinkers': 3}
Total duration: 760.67
Main data frame memory usage: 1317.30 megabytes


aula not in session



pave not in session


shock not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session024         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6, 'klinkers': 2}
Total duration: 1465.67
Main data frame memory usage: 2641.99 megabytes


aula not in session



pave not in session


stoeptegels not in session



|        Session: session025         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 989.59
Main data frame memory usage: 1563.65 megabytes





shock not in session




|        Session: session026         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 366.53
Main data frame memory usage: 561.15 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session027         |
Vehicle: stroller greenmachine: None None
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 505.75
Main data frame memory usage: 422.39 megabytes


aula not in session


klinkers not in session


pave not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session


|        Session: session028         |
Vehicle: stroller oldrusty: None None
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 4, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 1}
Total duration: 1324.94
Main data frame memory usage: 2386.69 megabytes







|        Session: session029         |
Vehicle: stroller greenmachine: None None
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 1}
Total duration: 795.33
Main data frame memory usage: 1348.64 megabytes





shock not in session




|        Session: session030         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1}
Total duration: 271.89
Main data frame memory usage: 440.03 megabytes


aula not in session



pave not in session


shock not in session


stoeptegels not in session


tarmac not in session

Sensor Rotation Check

These plots give the information necessary to determine if the sensor orientations are working correctly. These are time histories of the "static" event (no motion) in each session. The left column shows the raw accelerometer data for each sensor and each body fixed sensor axis. If the background is shaded grey, that axis is the sensor's axis that aligned with the vehicle's lateral axis (pitch axis) and the title on that subplot gives the axis letter (x, y, or z) and the sign (axis points to the left - or right +). The column on the right shows the accelerometer time histories projected on the vehicle's body fixed axes: longitudinal, lateral, and vertical. The vertical axis should show a positive ~10 m/s/s value and the other two should axes should show approximately 0 m/s/s if the rotations are applied correctly. This indicates that the vertical axes has been aligned with gravity.


|        Session: session001         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'aula': 3}
Total duration: 209.39
Main data frame memory usage: 313.34 megabytes


|        Session: session002         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'aula': 2}
Total duration: 178.09
Main data frame memory usage: 240.80 megabytes


|        Session: session003         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 2, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 715.66
Main data frame memory usage: 1276.57 megabytes


|        Session: session004         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 2, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 1346.00
Main data frame memory usage: 2000.23 megabytes


|        Session: session005         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3}
Total duration: 278.15
Main data frame memory usage: 444.01 megabytes


|        Session: session006         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 2753.56
Main data frame memory usage: 4956.48 megabytes


|        Session: session007         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 2, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 1395.79
Main data frame memory usage: 2326.01 megabytes


|        Session: session008         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 848.48
Main data frame memory usage: 1481.35 megabytes


|        Session: session009         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 3}
Total duration: 213.98
Main data frame memory usage: 370.08 megabytes


|        Session: session010         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 312.35
Main data frame memory usage: 496.92 megabytes


|        Session: session011         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 2}
Total duration: 684.94
Main data frame memory usage: 1187.22 megabytes


|        Session: session012         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 242.10
Main data frame memory usage: 424.11 megabytes


|        Session: session013         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 5}
Total duration: 329.98
Main data frame memory usage: 577.42 megabytes


missing bounds, skipped: session014


|        Session: session015         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 7}
Total duration: 994.54
Main data frame memory usage: 1792.61 megabytes


|        Session: session016         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1}
Total duration: 1112.08
Main data frame memory usage: 861.74 megabytes


missing bounds, skipped: session017


|        Session: session018         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: melia with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6, 'klinkers': 2}
Total duration: 1673.39
Main data frame memory usage: 3018.99 megabytes


|        Session: session019         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 5, 'klinkers': 2}
Total duration: 1464.29
Main data frame memory usage: 2574.99 megabytes


|        Session: session020         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: maxicosi with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6, 'klinkers': 3}
Total duration: 1637.73
Main data frame memory usage: 2950.08 megabytes


|        Session: session021         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'klinkers': 1}
Total duration: 229.49
Main data frame memory usage: 420.33 megabytes


|        Session: session022         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: melia with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6}
Total duration: 948.66
Main data frame memory usage: 1669.80 megabytes


|        Session: session023         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: melia with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'klinkers': 3}
Total duration: 760.67
Main data frame memory usage: 1317.30 megabytes


|        Session: session024         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6, 'klinkers': 2}
Total duration: 1465.67
Main data frame memory usage: 2641.99 megabytes


|        Session: session025         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 989.59
Main data frame memory usage: 1563.65 megabytes


|        Session: session026         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 366.53
Main data frame memory usage: 561.15 megabytes


|        Session: session027         |
Vehicle: stroller greenmachine: None None
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 505.75
Main data frame memory usage: 422.39 megabytes


|        Session: session028         |
Vehicle: stroller oldrusty: None None
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 4, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 1}
Total duration: 1324.94
Main data frame memory usage: 2386.69 megabytes


|        Session: session029         |
Vehicle: stroller greenmachine: None None
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 1}
Total duration: 795.33
Main data frame memory usage: 1348.64 megabytes


|        Session: session030         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1}
Total duration: 271.89
Main data frame memory usage: 440.03 megabytes

Time Synchronization Check


|        Session: session001         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'aula': 3}
Total duration: 209.39
Main data frame memory usage: 313.34 megabytes

no synchro trial, skipped: session001


|        Session: session002         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'aula': 2}
Total duration: 178.09
Main data frame memory usage: 240.80 megabytes

no synchro trial, skipped: session002


|        Session: session003         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 2, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 715.66
Main data frame memory usage: 1276.57 megabytes


|        Session: session004         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 2, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 1346.00
Main data frame memory usage: 2000.23 megabytes


|        Session: session005         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3}
Total duration: 278.15
Main data frame memory usage: 444.01 megabytes


|        Session: session006         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 2753.56
Main data frame memory usage: 4956.48 megabytes


|        Session: session007         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 2, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 1395.79
Main data frame memory usage: 2326.01 megabytes


|        Session: session008         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 848.48
Main data frame memory usage: 1481.35 megabytes


|        Session: session009         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 3}
Total duration: 213.98
Main data frame memory usage: 370.08 megabytes


|        Session: session010         |
Vehicle: stroller bugaboo: Bugaboo Fox 5
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 312.35
Main data frame memory usage: 496.92 megabytes


|        Session: session011         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 2}
Total duration: 684.94
Main data frame memory usage: 1187.22 megabytes


|        Session: session012         |
Vehicle: stroller maxicosi: Maxi-Cosi Street Plus
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 242.10
Main data frame memory usage: 424.11 megabytes


|        Session: session013         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 5}
Total duration: 329.98
Main data frame memory usage: 577.42 megabytes


missing bounds, skipped: session014


|        Session: session015         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 7}
Total duration: 994.54
Main data frame memory usage: 1792.61 megabytes


|        Session: session016         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1}
Total duration: 1112.08
Main data frame memory usage: 861.74 megabytes


missing bounds, skipped: session017


|        Session: session018         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: melia with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6, 'klinkers': 2}
Total duration: 1673.39
Main data frame memory usage: 3018.99 megabytes


|        Session: session019         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 5, 'klinkers': 2}
Total duration: 1464.29
Main data frame memory usage: 2574.99 megabytes


|        Session: session020         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: maxicosi with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6, 'klinkers': 3}
Total duration: 1637.73
Main data frame memory usage: 2950.08 megabytes


|        Session: session021         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'klinkers': 1}
Total duration: 229.49
Main data frame memory usage: 420.33 megabytes


|        Session: session022         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: melia with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6}
Total duration: 948.66
Main data frame memory usage: 1669.80 megabytes


|        Session: session023         |
Vehicle: bicycle urbanarrow: Urban Arrow None
Seat: melia with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'klinkers': 3}
Total duration: 760.67
Main data frame memory usage: 1317.30 megabytes


|        Session: session024         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 3 month, 5.9 kg baby
Trials: {'synchro': 1, 'static': 1, 'tarmac': 2, 'shock': 6, 'klinkers': 2}
Total duration: 1465.67
Main data frame memory usage: 2641.99 megabytes


|        Session: session025         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 2}
Total duration: 989.59
Main data frame memory usage: 1563.65 megabytes


|        Session: session026         |
Vehicle: stroller yoyo: Stokke BABYZEN YOYO 0+
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 366.53
Main data frame memory usage: 561.15 megabytes


|        Session: session027         |
Vehicle: stroller greenmachine: None None
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 4}
Total duration: 505.75
Main data frame memory usage: 422.39 megabytes


|        Session: session028         |
Vehicle: stroller oldrusty: None None
Seat: seat with 9 month, 8.9 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'shock': 4, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 1}
Total duration: 1324.94
Main data frame memory usage: 2386.69 megabytes


|        Session: session029         |
Vehicle: stroller greenmachine: None None
Seat: cot with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'aula': 3, 'klinkers': 1, 'stoeptegels': 1, 'pave': 1, 'tarmac': 1}
Total duration: 795.33
Main data frame memory usage: 1348.64 megabytes


|        Session: session030         |
Vehicle: bicycle keiler: Keiler None
Seat: maxicosi with 0 month, 3.48 kg baby
Trials: {'static': 1, 'synchro': 1, 'klinkers': 1}
Total duration: 271.89
Main data frame memory usage: 440.03 megabytes