Guide: Employees

Postdocs, PhDs, and other staff

  • You are expected to attend the lab meetings and other common lab work sessions (e.g. lab cleanup) unless you are sick or on holiday.
  • You are expected to spend some of your time to help Jason manage and organize the lab and research group. In particular, you should help improve and maintain the website, help tidy, organize, and clean the lab space, keep physical equipment maintained and running. PhDs and Postdocs should take on at least one lab role and help with the other roles' tasks.
  • If you are not able to work at standard capacity, you must take sick leave or holiday leave.
  • If you need to take sick leave, report this to your immediate supervisor and the secretariat when you become sick. When you return, also inform your immediate supervisor and secretariat. Make sure your sick leave hours are logged in TIM.
  • All holiday time has to be requested via TIM and approved by the department manager. You must take your holiday time before the end of your contract. Note that you can sell some holiday time (up to 38 hrs/year via IKA). If you decide to take a holiday please inform Jason by email so he is aware you are unavailable and can mark it on his calendar. If you are going to take a week or more at a time, please inform your supervisor well in advance for planning purposes so we can cover any of your duties.
  • TU Delft's policy is that you can work from home 2 days per week if your supervisor approves. The other 3 days should be on campus. You have Jason's blanket permission to work from home or other locations the equivalent of 2 days per week. If you want to work from home more than this, discuss with Jason. You should, in general, complete your contracted work hours during typical working hours ~8-6 so that you can interact with the lab members. When you work from home you should be reachable by email, phone, or video chat, etc. during these hours. There is no expectation that you are available outside standard work hours or that you have to respond to email, calls, chats, etc. although occasionally there are emergencies and your flexibility is appreciated.
  • You likely have a budget associated with your position or projects. Ask Jason or the relevant supervisor to tell you this budget. You can mange your own budget and don't need to ask permission for purchasing things < 250 EUR. If you need to spend more than that, then inform your immediate supervisor of the purchase before purchasing so there are no surprises. The secretariat can purchase items for you or you can purchase items and request reimbursement.
  • Work related travel outside of the Netherlands must be pre approved via Digiforms (and thus by the department manager) and pre-approved by Jason.
  • Postdocs will have an annual review with your supervisors (R&O). These should occur in the first quarter of the year. It is up to you to make sure this is scheduled. PhDs follow the graduate school review process and do not have R&O's.
  • Postdocs may use 20% of their contracted time to pursue their academic and career endeavors not related to their contracted work, e.g. finishing papers from their PhD or gaining teaching experience, given that progress on your contracted project is satisfactory. Discuss workload with Jason if you are not able to take advantage of this as you desire and we will do our best to make this possible, but this is mostly dependent on your ability to be efficient with your primary research tasks.
  • If you supervise BSc, MSc, or PhD students that regularly use the lab resources and/or Jason is the main supervisor of, those students need to follow join the Bicycle Lab and follow the expectations in this guide.
  • If you have multiple supervisors, you will need to merge their expectations and policies with Jason's. Discuss with your supervisors if there are incompatibilities.