Journal Articles
Under Review
- M. T. Haitjema, L. Alizadehsaravi, and J. K. Moore. Automatic Bicycle Balance Assistance Reduces Probability of Falling at Low Speeds When Subjected to Handlebar Perturbations. Under review at International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences.
- Christoph M. Schmidt, Azita Dabiri, Frederik Schulte, Jason K. Moore, and Riender Happee. Cycling Safety Assessment in Microscopic Traffic Simulation: A Review and Methodological Framework. Under review at Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspective.
- Singh, A., Vreman, H., Dressel, A. E., & Moore, J. K. (2024). Bicycle disc brake noise analysis and mitigation. Journal of Vibration and Control.
- G. Dell'Orto, G. Mastinu, R. Happee, and J. K. Moore, "Measurement of lateral characteristics and identification of Magic Formula parameters of city and cargo bicycle tyres," Vehicle System Dynamics, 2024.
- Heinen, J.T., Brockie, S.G., ten Broek, R., van der Kruk, E., Moore, J. K. Maximizing ollie height by optimizing control strategy and skateboard geometry using direct collocation. Sports Eng 27, 8 (2024).
- L. Alizadehsaravi and J. K. Moore, "Bicycle balance assist system reduces roll and steering motion for young and older bicyclists during real-life safety challenges," PeerJ, vol. 11, p. e16206, Oct. 2023,
- X. Qian, J. K. Moore, and D. Niemeier, "Predicting Bicycle Pavement Ride Quality: Sensor-based Statistical Model," Journal of Infrastructure Systems, vol. 26, no. 3, p. 04020033, 2020,
- B. Cloud et al., "Adaptive smartphone-based sensor fusion for estimating competitive rowing kinematic metrics," PLOS ONE, vol. 14, no. 12, p. e0225690, Dec. 2019,
- Moore, Jason K., and Mont Hubbard. "skijumpdesign: A Ski Jump Design Tool for Specified Equivalent Fall Height." The Journal of Open Source Software 3, no. 28 (August 20, 2018): 818–20. [pdf]
- Jason K. Moore, and Antonie van den Bogert. "Opty: Software for Trajectory Optimization and Parameter Identification Using Direct Collocation." Journal of Open Source Software 3, no. 21 (January 31, 2018): 300.
- Meurer, Aaron, Christopher P. Smith, Mateusz Paprocki, Ondřej Čertík, Sergey B. Kirpichev, Matthew Rocklin, AMiT Kumar, et al. "SymPy: Symbolic Computing in Python." PeerJ Computer Science 3 (January 2, 2017): e103.
Conference Proceedings
- L. Alizadehsaravi, S. Drauksas, J. K. Moore, R. Happee, and L. Marchal-Crespo, "Enhancing Motor Learning in Cycling Tasks: The Role of Model Predictive Control and Training Sequence.", BioRab Conference 2024.
- T. J. Stienstra, S. G. Brockie, and J. K. Moore, "BRiM: A modular bicycle-rider modeling framework," presented at the Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2023, Delft, The Netherlands: TU Delft OPEN Publishing, Oct. 2023.
- C. M. Schmidt, A. Dabiri, F. Schulte, R. Happee, and J. Moore, "Essential bicycle dynamics for microscopic traffic simulation: An example using the social force model," presented at the Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2023, Delft, The Netherlands: TU Delft OPEN Publishing, 2023.
- A. Dressel and J. K. Moore, "Adapting a variable stability mechanism for a tilting tricycle from the delta to the tadpole wheel configuration," presented at the Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2023, Delft, The Netherlands: TU Delft OPEN Publishing, 2023.
- Metz, Trevor; Moore, Jason K. (2019): Design of an Electric Bicycle Speed Controller. Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles. Conference contribution.
- Moore, Jason K.; Hubbard, Mont (2019): Expanded Optimization for Discovering Optimal Lateral Handling Bicycles. Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles. Conference contribution.
- Gilboa, Roy; Kubicki, Anastasia; Toribio, Anthony; Hubbard, Mont; Moore, Jason K. (2019): Practical Realization of a Theoretical Optimal-Handling Bicycle. Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles. Conference contribution.
- Moore, Jason K., Mont Hubbard, and Ronald A. Hess. "Optimal Bicycle Design to Maximize Handling and Safety," September 13, 2017.
- Moore, Jason, Mont Hubbard, and Ronald A. Hess. "An Optimal Handling Bicycle." In Proceedings of the 2016 Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics Conference. Figshare, 2016.
- Moore (ed), J. K., Vries (ed), E. de, Dressel (ed), A., & Alizadehsaravi (ed), L. (2024). Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single-track Vehicles: Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2023, October 18-20, Delft, The Netherlands. In TU Delft OPEN Books. TU Delft OPEN Books.
- Moore, J. K. (2022). Learn Multibody Dynamics (Version 0.1).
- Dell'Orto, G. (2025). Bicycle tyre lateral characteristics and their effect on bicycle dynamics [PhD, Delft University of Technology].
- S. S. Soethout, "A dynamic utility cycling model for energy and time expenditure calculation of a population of cyclists," Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2024.
- K. Pasma, "Model Matching Control Applied to Bicycles," MSc, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2024.
- K. Dijkman, "Impact of bicycle tire parameter on the total rolling losses," MSc, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2024.
- M. Haitjema, "Estimating fall probability in cycling: Prediction of the effectiveness of a balance-assist bicycle in reducing falls," MSc, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2023.
- T. Stienstra, "BRiM: A Modular Bicycle-Rider Modeling Framework," MSc, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2023.
- J. van Vlerken, "The influence of posture and stature on bicycle handling qualities," MSc, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2023.
- J. van der Schot, "The Relationship between Equivalent Fall Height and Ground Reaction Force in Freestyle Ski Jumping," MSc, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2023.
- F. van Willigen, "Evaluation of the handling of a variable dynamics tilting tricycle: A novel handling assessment method," MSc, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2023.
- J. Keijser, "Investigating the Theoretical Feasibility of Longitudinal Motion Control in Indoor Cycling Trainers," MSc, Delft University of Technology, 2023. Available:
- Heinen, J., "Optimal Skateboard Geometry for Maximizing Ollie Height," 2022,
- D. de Boer, "Modeling a Professional Road Cycling Race To Determine the Fastest Wheel-Tire Combination," 2022. Available:
- S. Draukšas, "Using Model Predictive Control on a Steer-by-Wire Bicycle for Performance Assistance," MSc, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2022. Available:
- D. Landré, "Predicting cycling risk at intersections with natural cycling data for speed-controlled e-bikes," MSc, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2022. Available:
- A. Singh, "Investigation of the chatter and squeal phenomenon in bicycle disc brakes," 2022. Available:
- F. Andretta, "Learning cycling styles using experimental trajectory data with Inverse Reinforcement Learning," 2022. Available:
- J. Kuiper, "Development of an Integrated Bicycle Accident Detection System: Introducing ALARM: Accident Localisation And Recognition Method," MSc, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2021. Accessed: Oct. 13, 2022. [Online]. Available:
- Mckay, Abraham B., "The Water Buffalo: Design of a Portable Bicycle Powered Irrigation Pump for Small-Scale African Farmers", MSc Thesis, University of California, Davis, 2018.
- Bruijn, S. C., Meyers, A. J., van Ommeren, D., Riegstra, J. E., & van Rooijen, R. J. (2024). Evaluation of children’s whole-body vibrational comfort in cargo bikes [BSc End Project]. Delft University of Technology.
- Moritzburke, Molly; Toribio, Anthony; Yang, Shizhao; Kubicki, Stasia (2020): Optimal Handling Bicycle: Final Design. figshare. Preprint.
- M. T. Haitjema, L. Alizadehsaravi, and J. K. Moore, “Automatic Bicycle Balance Assistance Reduces Probability of Falling at Low Speeds When Subjected to Handlebar Perturbations,” Oct. 09, 2024, engrXiv.
- L. Alizadehsaravi, S. Drauksas, J. K. Moore, R. Happee, and L. Marchal-Crespo, "Enhancing Motor Learning in Cycling Tasks: The Role of Model Predictive Control and Training Sequence." Engineering Archive, Feb. 29, 2024.
- J. Heinen, S. Brockie, R. ten Broek, E. van der Kruk, and J. K. Moore, "Maximizing Ollie Height by Optimizing Control Strategy and Skateboard Geometry Using Direct Collocation." engrXiv, Aug. 14, 2023.
- L. Alizadehsarvi and J. K. Moore, "Bicycle balance assist system reduces roll motion for young and old bicyclists during real-life safety challenges", Feb. 2023.
- S. Draukšas, L. Alizadehsaravi, J. K. Moore, R. Happee, and L. Marchal-Crespo, "Model Predictive Control-based haptic steering assistance to enhance motor learning of a bicycling task: A pilot study." Engineering Archive, Feb. 04, 2023.
- J. K. Moore, B. Cloud, M. Hubbard, and C. A. Brown, "Safety-Conscious Design of Terrain Park Jumps: Ethical Issues and Online Software," Preprint, Mar. 2021. Available:
- Cloud, B., Tarien, B., Liu, A., Shedd, T., Lin, X., Hubbard, M., Crawford, R. P., & Moore, J. K. (2018, December 23). Adaptive smartphone-based sensor fusion for estimating competitive rowing kinematic metrics.
- J. K. Moore, G. Dell'Orto, J. Farias, C. Konrad, B. Gonzalez, "Overview of the Current TU Delft Bicycle Lab Research", January 13, 2025, Cycling Day, Leuven, Belgium. [Slides]
- Moore, J. K. (2024, November 6). Balance Assist Bicycle Reduces Undesired Motions and Fall Probability When Subjected to Disturbances [Oral]. International Cycling Safety 2024, Imabari, Japan. [Slides]
- J. K. Moore, "Comparison of Electromechanical Means of Stabilizing a Bicycle," presented at the International Cycling Safety Conference, The Hague, The Netherlands, Nov. 16, 2023.
- G. Dell'Orto, L. Alizadehsaravi, R. Happee, and J. K. Moore, "Kick-plate test for assessing bicycle dynamics and tyre effect G. Dell'Orto1, L. Alizadehsaravi1, R. Happee1, J. K. Moore1," presented at the International Cycling Safety Conference, The Hague, The Netherlands, Nov. 16, 2023.
- T. J. Stienstra, S. G. Brockie, and J. K. Moore, "BRiM: A Modular and Extensible Open-Source Framework for Creating Bicycle-Rider Models," Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2023: Delft, The Netherlands, May 01, 2023.
- C. M. Schmidt, A. Dabiri, F. Schulte, R. Happee, and J. K. Moore, "Essential Bicycle Dynamics for Microscopic Traffic Simulation: An Example Using the Social Force Model," Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2023: Delft, The Netherlands, May 01, 2023.
- J. K. Moore, J. Koshy Cherian, B. Andersson, O. Lee, and A. Ranheim, "Modeling and Implementation of a Reaction Wheel Stabilization System for Low Speed Balance of a Cargo Bicycle," presented at the Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2023, Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2023: Delft, The Netherlands, May 01, 2023. [Online]. Available:
- Alizadehsaravi, L. (2023, July 3). Balance Assist Bicycle to Prevent Falls in Older Adults [Oral]. A4SEE Borrel, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Alizadehsaravi, L., & Moore, J. K. (2023, June 27). Balance Assist for Reducing Low Speed Falls [Demo]. Teknowlogy, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- A. Dressel, F. van Willigen, and J. K. Moore, "Evaluating the handling of a tilting tricycle with variable stability," presented at the Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2023, Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2023: Delft, The Netherlands, May 01, 2023.
- A. Dressel and J. K. Moore, "Adapting a variable stability mechanism for a tilting tricycle from the delta to the tadpole wheel configuration," presented at the Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2023, Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2023: Delft, The Netherlands, May 01, 2023.
- C. M. Schmidt, "Connected Traffic of Vulnerable Bicyclists and Automated Vehicles," presented at the SUMO User Conference, Berlin, Germany, Berlin, Germany, May 02, 2023.
- A. Singh, H. Verman, A. Dressel, J. K. Moore, "Using a Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometer to Investigate Causes and Possible Mitigations of Bicycle Disc Brake Noise", presented at the Measuring By Light Conference, Delft, Mar. 28, 2023.
- J. Heinen, E. van der Kruk, R. ten Broek, and J. K. Moore, "Optimal Skateboard Geometry For Maximizing Ollie Height," presented at the Dutch Biomedical Engineering Conference, Egmond an Zee, Jan. 26, 2023.
- L. Alizadehsaravi and J. K. Moore, "The Effects of a Steer Assist System on Bicycle Postural Control in Real-Like Safety Challenges," presented at the Dutch Biomedical Engineering Conference, Egmond an Zee, Jan. 26, 2023.
- L. Alizadehsaravi and J. K. Moore, "The effects of a steer assist system on bicycle postural control in real-life safety challenges," presented at the International Cycling Safety Conference, Dresden, Germany, Nov. 10, 2022.
- A. Dressel and J. K. Moore, "Measuring the Mechanical Properties of Bicycle Tyres to Help Predict and Minimize Wobble for Enhanced Safety," presented at the International Cycling Safety Conference, Dresden, Germany, Nov. 10, 2022.
- A. Dressel and J. K. Moore, "A Tilting Trike with Rider Tuneable Stability and Handling for Improved Safety," presented at the International Cycling Safety Conference, Dresden, Germany, Nov. 10, 2022.
- C. Liang, X. L. Chen, T. Kumar, H. Huang, and J. K. Moore, "What to do when chicks go bad in your flock: JupyterHub on Bare Metal with Kubernetes," presented at the SacPy, Sacramento, CA, USA, Nov. 14, 2019. [Online]. Available:
- Metz, Trevor; Moore, Jason K. (2019): Design of an Electric Bicycle Speed Controller. Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles. Poster.
- K. Lyons and J. K. Moore, "Resonance: Learning Mechanical Vibrations Through Computational Thinking," presented at the SciPy 2018, Austin, Texas, USA, Jul. 13, 2018. [Online]. Available:
- Kresie, Scott W., Jason K. Moore, Mont Hubbard, and Ronald A. Hess. "Experimental Validation of Bicycle Handling Prediction," September 13, 2017.
Web Articles
- Shaw, Aaron and Liang, Rayming. "Finding the Efficiency of the Xylem and Money Maker Treadle Pumps", Laboratorium of Marvelous Mechanical Motum Blog (December 27, 2018)
- Metz, Trevor. "Design of a PID Controller for Controlling The Speed of an Instrumented Ebike", Laboratorium of Marvelous Mechanical Motum Blog (December 15, 2018)
- Moore, Jason K. and Lyons, Kenneth. "Using Computational Thinking to Teach Mechanical Vibrations." UC Davis Engineering Education Learning Community Blog (April 23, 2018)
- McKay, Abe. "Pedaling for Water in Kisumu: Closing", UC Davis Blum Center Blog (September 12, 2017)
- McKay, Abe. "Pedaling for Water in Kisumu: Midway", UC Davis Blum Center Blog (August 26, 2017)
- McKay, Abe. "Pedaling for Water in Kisumu: Beginning", UC Davis Blum Center Blog (August 20, 2017)
- Lyons, Kenneth and Moore, Jason K. "Teaching Modeling and Simulation with Python." (July 20, 2017)
- Moore, Jason K. "Learning Mechanical Design Through Lightweight Prototyping." UC Davis Engineering Education Learning Community Blog (February 10, 2017)
- Moore, Jason K. "Teaching Mechanical Design." (December 14, 2015)
- Moore, Jason K. "Squiggly Bicycle Routes: Physics Based Route Design Evaluation." (2018)
- Downey, Allen & Moore, Jason K. "Computational Thinking in the Engineering Curriculum" (2018)
- Dahlgren, Bjorn, Kenneth Lyons, Aaron Meurer, and Jason K. Moore. "Automatic Code Generation With SymPy." (July 2017)
B. Cloud, J. K. Moore, A. Liu, B. Tarien, T. Shedd, row_filter: Library for rowing kinematic filtering and analysis, 2018
J. K. Moore, M. Hubbard, and B. Cloud, skijumpdesign: A ski jump design tool for equivalent fall height. 2017.
J. K. Moore and K. Lyons, resonance: A Python package for mechanical vibration analysis. University of California, Davis, 2017.
J. K. Moore and A. J. van den Bogert, opty: A library for using direct collocation in the optimization and identification of dynamic systems. Cleveland State University, 2014.
J. K. Moore, S. K. Hnat, O. Nwanna, M. Overmeyer, and A. J. van den Bogert, GaitAnalysisToolKit: A Python Library for Gait Analysis. Cleveland State University, 2013.
J. K. Moore, P. D. L. de Lange, and S. Yin, BicycleDataProcessor: Data storage and processing library for an instrumented bicycle. University of California, Davis, 2011.
J. K. Moore, C. Dembia, and O. Lee, BicycleParameters: A Python library for bicycle parameter estimation and analysis. 2011.
J. K. Moore, C. Dembia, and O. Lee, DynamicistToolKit: A Python library for dynamics and controls. 2011.
C. Dembia, J. K. Moore, S. Yin, and O. Lee, Yeadon: A Python Library For Human Inertia Estimation. 2011.
J. K. Moore et al., PyDy: A multi-body dynamics analysis package written in Python. PyDy, 2011.
cyipopt developers, cyipopt: Python Wrapper to IPOPT, 2011.
J. K. Moore, P. D. L. de Lange, and Y. Henneberry, BicycleDAQ: Data aquisition application for an instrumented bicycle. University of California, Davis, 2010.
SymPy Development Team, SymPy: Python library for symbolic mathematics. 2006.
- G. Dell'Orto, J. K. Moore, G. Mastinu, and R. Happee, "Magic Formula Parameters - Bicycle Tyres." Zenodo, May 10, 2023.
- G. Dell'Orto, J. K. Moore, G. Mastinu, and R. Happee, "Bicycle Tyre Data - Lateral Characteristics." Zenodo, Apr. 26, 2023.
- Moore, Jason K.; Hubbard, Mont (2019): Accompanying Raw Data for the Paper: Adaptive smartphone-based sensor fusion for estimating competitive rowing kinematic metrics. figshare. Dataset.
- Moore, Jason K.; Hubbard, Mont (2014): Davis Instrumented Bicycle Experiment Raw Data. figshare. Dataset.
- Moore, Jason K.; Hubbard, Mont (2014): Instrumented Bicycle Raw Data HDF5. figshare. Dataset.
- Moore, Jason K.; Hubbard, Mont (2014): Davis Instrumented Bicycle Calibration Raw Data. figshare. Dataset.
- Moore, Jason K.; Hubbard, Mont (2014): Davis Instrumented Bicycle Corrupt Trial Log. figshare. Dataset.
- Moore, Jason K.; Hubbard, Mont; D. G. Kooijman, J.; L. Schwab, A. (2014): Bicycle Parameters. figshare. Dataset.
- Moore, Jason K.; Hubbard, Mont; L. Peterson, Dale (2014): Bicycle Steer Torque Magnitude Measurement Dataset. figshare. Dataset.
- Moore, Jason K.; D. G. Kooijman, J.; L. Schwab, A. (2014): Motion Capture of Bicycling on a Treadmill. figshare. Dataset.
- Moore, Jason K.; de Lange, P.D.L (2013): Bicycle Rider Control Identification. figshare. Dataset.
Grant Proposals
- Meurer, Aaron; Moore, Jason K.; Benjamin, Oscar (2021): SymPy CZI EOSS Round 4 Application.pdf.
- Moore, Jason K. (2017): Influence of Culture on Mechanical Design: A Proposal For an Undergraduate Exchange and Design Competition Between Japanese and American Students.
- Moore, Jason K.; Lyons, Kenneth (2017): Development of an Interactive Textbook Backed by Cloud Infrastructure to Pilot Active Computational Learning in an Upper Level Mechanical Vibrations Engineering Course.
- Moore, Jason K. (2014): Identification of closed-loop human locomotion control with perturbed walking and running data under the constraints of a biologically actuated plant.