Programming is not just a way of translating well understood ideas into code; it is a tool for communicating, teaching, learning, and thinking. Students with basic programming skills can use coding as a "pedagogic lever" to learn other topics in engineering, math, natural and social science, arts and humanities.
Theme | Engineering Education | Current Researchers | |
Last Worked On | January 2019 | Past Researchers | |
Collaborators | Allen Downey |
We have been exploring ways to use computation in the STEM curriculum not simply as a companion to traditional STEM teaching but as a primary mechanism for learning. We have given a series of workshops where we present computational thinking and learning examples from Olin, UC Davis, and other colleges and develop new methods with the help of the participants.
2019 Harvard
2019 KEEN National Conference
2018 UC Davis
Funding and Support
The 2018 UC Davis workshop was made possible by the Undergraduate Instructional Innovation Program funds provided by the Association of American Universities (AAU) and Google administered by the Center for Educational Effectiveness.