
The TU Delft Bicycle Lab is a research lab in the Biomechatronics & Human-Machine Control Group of the BioMechanical Engineering Department at Delft University of Technology led by Jason K. Moore. Our research is centered around the science and engineering of bicycles and spans the following themes:

  • single track vehicle dynamics, handling, and control
  • improving design of bicycles and other human powered vehicles
  • enhancing athlete performance and safety in sports (cycling & more)
  • bicycle and micromobility transportation improvements and safety
  • human powered appropriate technology
  • engineering and scientific software design and development
  • teaching and learning in engineering education

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Dr. Jason K. Moore did his graduate research in Mont Hubbard's Sports Biomechanics Lab at the University of California, Davis where bicycles were an often topic of study, as far back as the early 1990s. The Delft University of Technology Bicycle Dynamics Lab started in the mid 2000's under the direction of Arend L. Schwab after his sabbatical at Cornell University where he revived Andy Ruina's and Jim Papadopoulos's bicycle dynamics research from the 1980's. Jason spent one year of his Ph.D. studies at the TU Delft Bicycle Dynamics Lab starting in 2008. In 2015, Jason was hired on the UC Davis Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering faculty and started the "Laboratorium of Marvelous Mechanical Motum" where he furthered his bicycle engineering research. Dr. Schwab retired in 2021 and Jason took over his lab and research program in Delft where he merged his UC Davis based research program with TU Delft's, defining what exists today.

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