- class symbrim.brim.base_connections.HandGripsBase(name: str)¶
Base class for the connection between the handlebar and the arms.
Auxiliary data handler of the model.
Descriptions of the attributes of the object.
Front frame of the bicycle.
Left arm of the rider.
Load groups of the connection.
Name of the object.
Right arm of the rider.
Submodels of the connection.
System object used to store the information of the model itself.
Create a new instance of the connection.
Add load groups to the connection.
Define the constraints on the connection.
Define the kinematics of the connection.
Define the loads on the connection.
Define the objects in the connection.
Get all declared symbols of a model.
Get description of a given object.
Get a parameters mapping of a model based on a bicycle parameters object.
Set the symmeplot plot objects.
- __init__(name: str) None ¶
Create a new instance of the connection.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the connection.
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object
- add_load_groups(*load_groups: LoadGroupBase) None ¶
Add load groups to the connection.
- property auxiliary_handler: AuxiliaryDataHandler | None¶
Auxiliary data handler of the model.
- property front_frame: FrontFrameBase¶
Front frame of the bicycle.
- get_param_values(bicycle_parameters: Bicycle) dict[Symbol, float] ¶
Get a parameters mapping of a model based on a bicycle parameters object.
- property left_arm: LeftArmBase¶
Left arm of the rider.
- property load_groups: tuple[LoadGroupBase]¶
Load groups of the connection.
- property right_arm: RightArmBase¶
Right arm of the rider.
- set_plot_objects(plot_object: MplPlotBase) None ¶
Set the symmeplot plot objects.
- property system: System | None¶
System object used to store the information of the model itself.
This system object is used to store the information of the model itself. It does not by definition contain any information about the submodels or connections. Therefore, one cannot use this system object to form the equations of motion. Instead, one should use the
method to get the system object representing the entire model.