
Installation Users

SymBRiM is currently available on PyPI.

pip install symbrim

The optional dependencies can be installed with:

pip install bicycleparameters
pip install symmeplot

Installation Developers

SymBRiM uses poetry as package manager. To install SymBRiM after installing poetry and cloning the repository, run:

poetry install

SymBRiM offers dependency groups to assist developers:

  • lint: packages required for linting.

  • test: packages required for testing.

  • docs: packages required for building the documentation.

To install optional dependencies from a specific group, run:

poetry install --with <group>

Some of the additional utilities also require extra packages. These can be installed using:

poetry install --extras parametrize
poetry install --extras plotting

To install everything at once, run:

poetry install --with lint,test,docs --all-extras

To quickly check code for linting errors, it is recommended to set up pre-commit hooks by executing:

pre-commit install